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Articles About Glen Helen Nature Preserve

  • Glen Helen meets $4.25 million campaign goal

    The Glen Helen Association has announced the completion of its $4.25 million campaign, launched in June 2020, to purchase Glen Helen Nature Preserve from Antioch College, reopen the preserve to the public and more.

  • Local, state deer population mounts

    Yellow Springs resident and professor of biological sciences at Wright State University Don Cipollini told the News last week that there are currently around 800,000 deer in the state.

  • Spring in winter

    Villagers showed up bright and early Saturday, Dec. 2, to trek into School Forest and fell their own Christmas trees.

  • Fiber artists to unveil newest installation in Glen Helen

    On Sunday, Nov. 19, local multimedia artists Kathi Seidl and Beth Holyoke will unveil their newest installation: a kaleidoscopic fairy ring of felted and crocheted mushrooms clustered up and around the central pillar in the atrium of the Vernet Ecological Center.

  • Dam-o-rama

    The beaver dam that clogged up the flowing waters of Yellow Springs Creek in 2021 grew significantly in breath, depth, height and sticks over the last year.

  • Fir the birds

    Members of the Public Works Crew recently delivered 10 Christmas trees to Glen Helen’s Raptor Center.

  • Busy little fellers

    The locally renowned beaver dam in the heart of Glen Helen has grown to considerable proportions over the last half-year.

  • Poems of renewal at winter solstice

    Light snow covered a wooden walkway in Glen Helen on a recent morning. As the winter solstice nears, so does Tecumseh Land Trust’s eighth annual Winter Solstice Poetry Reading, held Friday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m., at Glen Helen’s Vernet Ecological Center. Twelve area poets will read from their original work around the evening’s theme of “Renewal and Regeneration.” (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Area residents are invited to enter the “thin time” at Tecumseh Land Trust’s eighth annual Winter Solstice Poetry Reading, held Friday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m., at Glen Helen’s Vernet Ecological Center.

  • Murder suspect pleads not guilty

    Zyrian Atha-Arnett (center) on Thursday, Nov. 21, entered a not guilty plea in Greene County Common Pleas Court to two counts of murder and one count of felonious assault in the stabbing death of Leonid “Lonya” Clark earlier this year. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    In arraignment proceedings Thursday afternoon, Nov. 21, at the Greene County courthouse in Xenia, defense counsel for area resident Zyrian Atha-Arnett entered a plea of not guilty to two counts of murder and one count of felonious assault in the stabbing death earlier this year of local man Leonid “Lonya” Clark.

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