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Articles About Home Inc. :: Page 2

  • Senior rentals move forward

    Home, Inc. leaders recently presented plans and designs for their proposed 54-unit senior affordable rental housing project, to be located between East Marshall and East Herman streets and across from Friends Care Community. If funding comes through for the project, those 55 and older whose income is up to 60 percent of area median income, or about $27,000 for a single person, will be eligible to rent an apartment. (Rendering courtesy of Home, Inc.)

    A significant senior affordable rental project more than 10 years in the making is moving forward, according to Home, Inc. leaders at a recent community meeting.

  • First step to senior rentals

    A new affordable senior rental housing project has moved closer to reality since Wright State University and Home Inc. agreed that Home Inc. will purchase land  currently owned by the university on the south end of town.

  • Study eyes housing gaps in Yellow Springs

    Yellow Springs has significant gaps in its current housing stock and the housing its citizens will need in upcoming years.

  • Mills Lawn fourth-graders eye affordable housing via PBL

    The fourth graders in Shannon Wilson’s class at Mills Lawn are tackling the issue of affordable housing in the village as a year-long Project-based Learning unit. They met with members and supporters of Home, Inc. just before the winter break to learn about the nonprofit’s work and to share their research. Above, Trevor Roberts and Jonah Simon engage Home, Inc. Executive Director Emily Seibel, while Ryan Thomas confers with a peer in the background. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Finding an affordable place to live in Yellow Springs can be a challenge. That’s a conclusion reached by Mills Lawn fourth graders as part of a project-based learning unit.

  • Home with Home, Inc.

    Tim and Julia Honchel were honored as the newest homeowners of local affordable housing land trust Home, Inc. at its annual members meeting last Sunday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Tim and Julia Honchel were honored as the newest homeowners of local affordable housing land trust Home, Inc. at its annual members meeting last Sunday.

  • Village Council supports Home, Inc.’s ‘Glen Cottages’

    At Village Council’s July 3 meeting, Council members unanimously voted to waive utility tap and zoning fees for Glen Cottages, the newest project of Home, Inc.

  • Raising the roof

    Pictured at the Home, Inc., Open House are, from left: Miller Fellow Monika Perry, AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer Cait Bothwell, Development Coordinator Brittany Parsons, homeowners Elizabeth and Matthew Schaade, homeowners Brandy and Patrick Hange with children Nico and Nolan, homeowner Erica Wyant with daughter Rudelle Mae, homeowner Julie McCowan, Miller Fellow Kyna Burke, Executive Director Emily Seibel and Program Manager Chris Hall. (Submitted Photo)

    Yellow Springs Home, Inc. recently celebrated the completion of the final two homes in its Cemetery Street project with an open house.

  • Cemetery Street project finished— New families make village home

    Two young families are moving to Yellow Springs, thanks to local land trust nonprofit Home, Inc. The Hange and Schaade families will complete the four-unit neighborhood on Cemetery Street, a collaboration between Home, Inc. and the Village of Yellow Springs. Pictured are Patrick and Brandy Hange, pregnant with Nico June, now 5 months, and Nolan, now 3, in front of their new home during an earlier phase of construction. Also pictured in a family photo are Matthew and Elizabeth Schaade with children Rowyn, 4; Gavin, 6; Marley, 3; and Vaeda, 1. An open house for the two families and their new homes will be held Friday, Oct. 28, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at 134 and 136 Cemetery St. (Submitted Photos courtesy of Home, Inc.)

    Looking online, both families discovered Home, Inc., the local land trust nonprofit, and wondered if Home, Inc. could help them.

  • ‘Nomads’ decide to settle down in Village

    Villagers Tanya Maus and James Luckett romped with their son, August Frederick Townes, at the Mills Lawn playground on a recent evening. Maus and Luckett moved to Yellow Springs in 2013, and August was born six months later. This summer, the family put down permanent roots, buying a home through Home, Inc. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    An artist and an academic move to Yellow Springs. They find people, jobs, a community they enjoy. They have a child. In a few years, they buy a house. They make plans for their little boy’s future. In short, they settle down.

  • Shear joy

    Tanya Maus, James Luckett and their young son, August, celebrated their new Home, Inc. home last Friday, with an open house that included a ribbon-cutting ceremony and potluck. (Submitted photo)

    Tanya Maus, James Luckett and their young son, August, celebrated their new Home, Inc. home last Friday, the 20th residence built or rehabbed by local affordable housing agency.

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