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Articles About Human Relations Commission

  • Restorative justice and Yellow Springs a good fit

    Villagers Jennifer Berman and Jalyn Roe were the organizing forces behind last year’s national conference on restorative justice, “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World.” (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World,” the first Annual Community and Restorative Justice Symposium, will be held in the village, from Oct. 27 to 29.

  • Focus on racial incidents at Yellow Springs schools

    Yellow Springs school district leaders were urged to hire more people of color and provide more racial sensitivity training for school staff and students at a meeting Monday, June 26, at First Baptist Church.

  • Pride Parade

    Images from the recent parade in Yellow Springs celebrating those who identify as LGBT.

  • Air play

    Neighborhood resident and former professional clown Joe Cimoch twisted long, skinny balloons into cats, dogs, hats and swords, to the delight of young and old. (Photos by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Balloon magic was a highlight of the second annual North High Street block party last Saturday.

  • Village Council—Who will be responsible for unpaid bills?

    Village Council considered whether property owners should be held responsible for the unpaid utility bills of their tenants.

  • Street musician agreement to continue

    At their Sept. 15 meeting, Village Council members agreed that the new Street Musician Agreement appears to have solved recent problems between downtown musicians and business owners, and that its use should continue.

  • Support for those with mental illness

    Two recently formed peer-led groups meet locally for those living wih mental illness and their families. With the support of the Village Human Relations Commission, the groups will sell raffle tickets for an artist-decorated rain barrel, shown above, at the May 22 Village manager forum to raise money for Mental Health First Aid training. Shown above are, clockwise from top left, Donna Sorrell, Kathy Adams, Kathryn Hitchcock, Village Council member Brian Housh, artist Sandi Sharp, and Linda Rudawski of the HRC. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Medically related circumstances in a family’s life — from welcoming a new baby to undergoing chemotherapy treatments — often elicit helping hands from friends and neighbors. But when the circumstances involve mental health issues, the affected families can feel isolated and alone.

  • Yellow Springs village peacemakers of 2013

    In December, the News, inspired by a suggestion from the Human Relation Commission’s Linda Rudowski, asked villagers to name local residents who had acted as peacemakers or had helped to create harmony in the community in the past year.

  • A bit of summer street magic

    The annual Neighborhood Block Parties, sponsored by the Human Relations Commission, or HRC, will be held on Saturday or Sunday, August 18–19, in neighborhoods throughout the village. Shown above is last year’s Davis/Phillips/Whiteman streets party, with Stephanie Cooper sitting at the piano provided by local musician Mark DeLozier. (Submitted photo by Susan Gartner)

    Susan Gartner is one of several residents of the Davis/Whiteman/Phillips Street area who have made block parties a spirited annual event in their neighborhood.

  • Village commissions serve community

    Dedicated local volunteers who serve on Village commissions do much of the work to preserve and enhance the community. With vacancies on three key commissions, others have the opportunity to step up.

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