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Articles About Ohio Department of Health :: Page 9

  • COVID-19 update— For first time, Greene is ‘red’

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Last Thursday, Oct. 15, Ohio elevated Greene County to “red” on the Ohio Health Advisory System for the first time since the system was put in place in early July. The state flagged four different indicators of increased COVID-19 spread here, out of a seven-indicator risk profile.

  • COVID-19 update— Cases rise in Greene County

    COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the county. The virus was slow to take hold here, but the county saw a spike in June, a larger spike in July, some moderating in August and a surge beginning in late August that hasn’t let up.

  • COVID-19 update— Cases moderating, for now

    After a spike in June, and a larger spike in July, COVID-19 cases are moderating in Greene County. Yet with the county at level 2 on Ohio’s public health advisory system, cases are still increasing here at a higher rate than two months ago.

  • State mask order: how to enforce?

    Exactly two weeks to the day after the Village of Yellow Springs mandated face masks in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced masks would be required in public across the whole state.

  • Village Council — Transportation plan unveiled

    A raised crosswalk across Xenia Avenue from Tom’s Market to the Emporium. A sidewalk along Polecat Road to Ellis Park. Closing off Short Street to car traffic. Making Walnut Street one way southbound in front of Mills Lawn School.

  • West Nile issue: to spray or not?

    Last Thursday about 6:30 a.m, as many villagers still slept, a Greene County Combined Health District truck rolled slowly through a neighborhood in southern Yellow Springs spraying a fine mist of insecticides.

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