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Articles About Village government

  • Village native Giardullo hired as project lead

    Village native Elyse Giardullo, 31, was hired last month as the Village project lead — a new job housed in the Village offices, upstairs in the John Bryan Community Center.

  • Village manager finalists announced

    Four finalists are in the running to be the next Village manager. Read more about them.

  • Village offers snow removal tips ahead of winter storm

    With 5 to 8 inches of snow forecast for Yellow Springs on Saturday, the Village of Yellow Springs offered some tips on staying safe and helping with snow removal.

  • Q&A forum scheduled for YSPD police chief candidates

    The three candidates who have applied for the position of Yellow Springs chief of police are, from left, officers Dave Meister and Timothy Spradlin, and Interim Chief Brian Carlson. The search was limited to internal candidates. (Left and right: YS News archive photos; center: Submitted)

    The public is invited to attend an open forum featuring a question and answer session with all candidates for the position of Yellow Springs Chief of Police on Tuesday, May 30 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at the John Bryan Community Center.

  • Village manager heading police department; replacement sought and investigation started

    Village manager Patti Bates is currently overseeing the police department, with aims to appoint an interim police chief within the next week or two. Village officials are also starting an investigation into the events of New Year’s Eve.

  • SIDEBAR: Yellow Springs Water Rate Hike

    Vilage Council members agreed on a 15 percent increase in Village water rates.

  • Cundiff is Sidney job finalist

    Yellow Springs Village Manager Mark Cundiff is a finalist for the position of city manager in Sidney, Ohio. (News file photo)

    At Village Council’s Nov. 7 meeting, Village Manager Mark Cundiff announced that he is a finalist for the job of city manager in Sidney, Ohio.

  • Council approves re-organization

    At their Oct. 3 meeting, Village Council unanimously gave final approval to a re-organization of the Village government administrative structure proposed by Village Manager Mark Cundiff two months ago.

  • Tree trimming begins soon

    Due to several recent power outages linked to downed limbs, tree-trimming around electrical lines will begin soon in the south end of town, with a focus on softwoods linked to the outages such as white pine and silver maple.

  • Annual spring cleaning arrives

    The annual spring clean-up week will be held May 9-13.

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