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Articles About Yellow Springs Senior Center :: Page 2

  • YS Senior Center founder to be memorialized — Plaque to honor Rev. Dr. Matthews

    The Rev. Matthews’ contributions and legacy were honored in a virtual program Thursday, June 24, by the Senior Center. Matthews’ family, center members, villagers and community organization representatives gathered to honor his contributions both to the center and to the village.

  • ‘Chop wood, carry water’— Trainer offers tips for healthy winter

    As the winter months approach, many Americans are thinking about how they’ll stay healthy and combat the “winter blues” once it turns cold — especially as the pandemic continues unabated.

  • Senior Center to reopen Monday

    That door will open again on Monday, Oct. 19, as the Senior Center welcomes seniors back with a “Coffee and Donuts with Friends” event.

  • Institutions adapt to COVID-19

    The News spoke with leaders at a variety of local institutions who are adapting to a new normal in the fifth month of the coronavirus pandemic, including the Yellow Springs Senior Center, Friends Care Community, Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, Antioch College Wellness Center and the John Bryan Center/Youth Center.

  • Advance care planning resources

    The YSSC and the YSCF have compiled a list of resources and organizations that facilitate advance care and end of life planning.

  • Kid Scouts volunteers fight hunger

    About 50 adults and kids took part in last week’s meal-packing event for the Kid Scouts Hunger Van, which took place at the Senior Center Great Room. Pictured above, from left, is Kelley, Sage and Cole Oberg, and Jyoti Miller. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    About 50 adults and kids took part in last week’s meal-packing event for the Kid Scouts Hunger Van, which took place at the Senior Center Great Room.

  • Making dough making bread

    Robyn Weigand, of Blue Oven Bakery, of Cincinnati, sold a variety of leavened pleasures at last Saturday’s winter farmers market in the Senior Center Great Room. (Photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    Robyn Weigand, of Blue Oven Bakery, of Cincinnati, sold a variety of leavened pleasures at last Saturday’s winter farmers market in the Senior Center Great Room.

  • Four new Yellow Springs art shows to host receptions March 15

    Nearly concurrent opening receptions for four new art exhibitions in Yellow Springs will create a mini art stroll experience for visual art lovers wanting to catch them all Friday evening, March 15.

  • Writing workshops to hone Ripples submissions

    Submissions are now open for the Senior Center's literary journal by and featuring local elders, Ripples.

    Ripples, the literary magazine published by the Yellow Springs Senior Center, is seeking new material written by people affiliated with the village and Miami Township.

  • In September, a focus on dementia

    The 18-month-long Dementia Friendly Yellow Springs project is organizing several activities for September, World Alzheimer’s Month. Two of its organizers are, from left, Toni Dosik, and Karen Wolford of the Yellow Springs Senior Center. Not pictured are organizers Kate LeVesconte and Karen Puterbaugh of the Greene County Council on Aging. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When organizers for the Dementia Friendly Yellow Springs, or DFYS, project held a community book read last winter on a book about dementia, they were encouraged by the hardy response.

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