Articles About Yellow Springs Senior Center :: Page 3
A day for community giving
After collecting $75,000 in a single day last November, an effort to raise money for local nonprofit groups is returning to the village for a second year this holiday season.
Film explores caregiving, aging
Yellow Springs has hosted some weighty documentaries recently, and “Care,” the film showing this weekend at the Little Art, is no exception. And like last month’s village premier of “The Modern Jungle,” which was co-directed by an Antioch professor, “Care” also has a Yellow Springs connection.
‘Ripples’ celebrates village’s elders
A diversity of both form and content is the goal of “Ripples,” an annual journal that is “a celebration of elders” in the Village.
Community unity powers D.C. Women’s March
Local preparation for last weekend’s Women’s March on Washington may have been as significant for many Yellow Springs women, and for the community at large, as the actual march itself.
McKee group honors Wright
For her years of dedicated service, the James A. McKee Association will honor Maria Wright with the 2015 Outstanding Community Service Award.
Calling on dance to fight Parkinson’s
Every Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m., Jill Becker, a local dance instructor, meets with a small group of people at the Yellow Springs Senior Center to lead a dance class intended to help participants manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Getting low at the Yellow Springs Senior Center
The low frequencies were favored last Thursday, June 19 at the Senior Center as Hans Marlette treated the gathered to a display of what the tuba can do as a solo instrument.
May 6, 2014 primary election: Issue 3 supports village seniors
Issue 3, the senior services levy on the May 6 ballot, will, if passed, provide funding to help about 30 older villagers stay in their own homes by ensuring regular meals, homemaker services and visits.
YSSC to pick a new director
When one of two final applicants for the directorship of the Yellow Springs Senior Center is named in the next several weeks, she will be at the helm of a vital organization that is growing beyond its original scope.
Yellow Springs Senior Center announces new director
The Yellow Springs Senior Center board announced yesterday that Dayton resident Karen Wolford will be the Senior Center’s new executive director.
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