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Articles About COVID-19 :: Page 22

  • Governor says Ohio to begin reopening on May 1

    May 1 will be a “new phase” in the state of Ohio’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said at his daily briefing on Thursday, April 16.

  • Help for local tenants, landlords

    Stepping in to assist is a new local volunteer committee organized around housing issues. Their goal? That no one loses their home because of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • UPDATE: Second Greene County COVID-19 death reclassified

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    A day after Greene County Public Health reported its second death from COVID-19, the health department reclassified the death as not related to COVID-19.

  • Ohio officials share elements of “response and recovery plan”

    Face masks in use for at least a year. An “army” of amateur epidemiologists mobilized to trace cases. Widespread and rapid testing to see who has — and who had — COVID-19.Those are a few aspects of the State of Ohio’s plan to start opening up businesses and schools following the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Local farmers eye uncertainty

    Life and growth are happening on local farms against the backdrop of massive shutdown and uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Social distancing working, but testing needed for Ohio to reopen

    Social distancing is working, state officials have emphasized at press briefings in recent days. But Ohioans should continue to stay at home to make sure the projections of a dramatically “flattened curve” come to pass, they say. 

  • The world of COVID-19 — Seniors learn to adapt

    How are older Yellow Springers faring in this new isolation? To find out, the News spoke to about a dozen villagers, most in their 80s or older.

  • First case of COVID-19 in Yellow Springs confirmed

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    On Tuesday, April 7, local authorities were informed of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the village.

  • Keeping the faith amid crisis

    Local faith groups have not held face-to-face services for several weeks now, adopting alternative ways to worship and come together.

  • YS food relief effort: An update

    A brief updated provided by Melissa Heston, outreach manager for the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, who is focusing on local food relief efforts during the coronavirus crisis.

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