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Articles About facilities levy :: Page 2

  • Facilities survey— Many reluctant to hike taxes

    The results of a new survey that polled Yellow Springs school district voters about their views concerning local school facilities — and the anticipated $30 million to $35 million cost to undertake major renovations or build new — suggest a dilemma for district leaders.

  • Forums invite facilities input

    The Yellow Springs school facilities master planning process is continuing to move forward, and district Superintendent Terri Holden expects to take a proposal to the school board in a specially called meeting later this month.

  • Schools facilities improvements— How much could it cost?

    At a community outreach forum on Wednesday, March 17, local district leaders and the district’s architect consultant, SHP of Cincinnati, shared various tax options for funding school facilities improvements.

  • Facilities options narrow

    Presented with questions about their level of support for four proposed scenarios to address identified structural needs in the district’s schools, a majority of the participants at a community forum last week responded that they “strongly support” construction of a new K–12 facility at the current site of the middle/high school on East Enon Road.

  • Mills Lawn greenspace— Group seeks preservation

    Preserving greenspace on the Mills Lawn Elementary School property and developing a desirable facilities plan for the local schools are not mutually exclusive goals, say a group of residents calling for a portion of the Mills Lawn grounds to be set aside as a permanent community park.

  • School facilities— Forum takes public pulse

    Questions about costs, the future of the Mills Lawn school property and recommendations by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission dominated public comments last week during the first of three planned community forums to discuss the future of Yellow Springs’ public school buildings.

  • Schools facilities planning— District hones in on 4 options

    The effort to develop a master plan for addressing identified building needs in Yellow Springs schools is moving along quickly, with four project scenarios emerging as the district’s leading options.

  • Yellow Springs school facilities— School board names architect firm

    On Thursday, Jan. 14, board members unanimously approved a contract with SHP Leading Design, designating the Cincinnati-based firm as the “pre-bond architect” that will work with the district in developing a new master plan for Yellow Springs school facilities.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Board expects facilities levy in 2021

    District leaders are considering how best to move forward to address the identified problems in the local school buildings

  • Board reflects on levy loss

    The defeat of the combined 4.7-mill property tax and 0.25 percent income tax levy in the May 8 election was a painful blow, Yellow Springs District Superintendent Mario Basora said during the regular school board meeting two days later, Thursday, May 10.

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