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Articles About food and drink :: Page 4

  • Brother Bear brews cup of kindness

    “Last call on espresso bar!” That’s what patrons will typically hear just before closing time at Brother Bear’s Café, the new coffeehouse located at 118 Dayton Street (formerly the site of the Epic Book Shop). To know how the coffeehouse came to be (and how it almost never was) adds a unique cocoa-mocha twist to […]

  • Film feast: Little Art, eateries unite

    “We’re in a highly competitive industry that’s changing,” said Little Art Theatre owner Jenny Cowperthwaite in a recent interview. “Fewer people are seeing movies in theaters. It’s not just independent theaters like the Little Art that are experiencing declining attendance. It’s industry-wide.”

  • Young’s Jersey Dairy— Celebrating 140 years on the farm

    Since the surge of the digital age made last year’s computer nearly obsolete, it seems that everything has changed. But the love of the farmstead has not. When the Young brothers realized that in the 1960s, it was a short jump to figuring out how to transform their historic farmstead into a business that would survive the ages.

  • New eatery touts Peruvian, U.S. foods

    “I was always drawn to the preparation of food,” said Lawren (“Lawrence without the c-e”) Williams. “My mom says some of her fondest memories of me are when I was real little and was always trying to create dishes. None of them were any good — I just liked the idea of preparing food!”

  • For a small town with big city needs, Tom’s delivers the goods

    For a small town grocery store, it might be considered unusual that Tom’s Market carries 16 kinds of olives, six kinds of tofu (if you count the Tofu Pups), ground lamb, Italian parsley and cheesecloth.

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