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Articles About food and drink :: Page 3

  • Tell me how your garden grows

    The steering committee for the local neighborhood gardens met to discuss the future of the project last Friday.

  • Farmers Market not just for Saturdays

    Yellow Springs offers a second Farmers Market every Thursday at 2pm in the parking lot of Dollar General.

  • Juneteenth a Scrumptious Affair

    Juneteenth celebrations included a pie contest and Motown dancing last Friday night at the Bryan Center.

  • CJ’s to cook up ‘Bama food

    Soon food hounds can get a taste of Yellow Springs’ new restaurant, CJ’s Southern Cooking, located in the building formerly occupied by Kentucky Fried Chicken. Owners Jim Zehner, left, and Carl Moore, both longtime villagers, plan to serve what they call ‘Bama Food, from Moore’s Alabama childhood, including fried bologna sandwiches, gumbos, collard greens and sweet potato pie. They hope to open June 27.

    f you’ve traveled along the south end of Xenia Avenue recently, you may have noticed the banner hanging from the former Kentucky Fried Chicken building: “CJ’s Southern Cooking Coming Soon.”

  • Fine local wines, engineered to taste

    Most first-time visits to the new Brandeberry Winery in Enon include a tour of the production room simply because everyone wants to know — how does one make good wine from grapes grown in Ohio? A recent customer, who drove through fields of nine-foot corn last week to get to the 5118 W. Jackson Road farm, wasn’t leaving without the secret to the sauce.

  • Better food for village schools?

    On Aug. 5 school board members voted for the first major change to the school lunch program since 1994. The board unanimously chose Sodexo, one of the largest multinational food service providers, over Child Nutrition Services, which had been providing the service. Parents in attendance urged the board to try the new vendor, but also […]

  • New dean, home room at YSHS

    When students arrive for their first day back to Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School on Wednesday, Aug. 26, the first thing they will notice is a spritely young woman they don’t recognize greeting them at the door. They don’t know her yet, but by the end of the week they might feel like they’ve known Julie Speelman all their lives.

  • Schools end year in black

    At the July 9 school board meeting, Treasurer Joy Kitzmiller reported that the Yellow Springs school district ended the financially challenging 2008–2009 fiscal year in the black.

  • Sunday liquor sales sought

    There is a small movement afoot to allow Sunday liquor sales and consumption in the downtown business district, which could significantly affect village restaurants and also local nonprofit organizations. The local option issue is one for the November ballot that needs approval from a majority of registered voters in the village to allow businesses in the downtown precinct to sell liquor on Sundays.

  • Farmers corner new market

    Can there ever be too much locally grown, fresh fruit and vegetables in one town? Vendors at a new Yellow Springs farmers’ market think not, and they aim to give shoppers more variety by opening in the Corner Cone parking lot on Saturdays, just down the street from the farmers’ market at Kings Yard. Both markets open on May 2 and will continue Saturday mornings from 7 to 11:30 a.m. through the summer.

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