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Articles About funding

  • Yellow Springs police flush by comparison

    Policing is unique to each community, and each police department is designed around its own community’s population, budget, crime trends, minimum manning levels and sometimes a detailed work-load analysis. But comparing Yellow Springs police to police in comparable towns highlights some similarities and some differences between departments.

  • Balancing a low crime rate with high policing costs

    While last year there were 28 murders in the City of Dayton and more than 1,200 violent crimes there, violence in Yellow Springs has barely been an issue, with an average of about three violent incidents each year for the last seven.

  • Yellow Springs schools eye hiring fundraiser

    Yellow Springs schools are considering increasing expenditures next year for a new full-time employee to help raise private funds for the district.

  • Yellow Springs Community Foundation celebrates 40 years cultivating community

    The Yellow Springs Community Foundation is celebrating 40 years this year with a monthly series of soundslide stories featuring its donors, grant recipients and beneficiaries. The audio pieces begin this week on the YSCF Facebook page, and continue through September, when the foundation will host a celebration party at the Antioch College Wellness Center. Above, Collin Calfee, left, and Gini Meekin participate in the Project Peace, funded in part by the Community Foundation. (Submitted Photo)

    The three-heart logo that has stood for the Yellow Springs Community Foundation since 1974 represents its three pillars — the donors, the recipients and the beneficiaries: the people of Yellow Springs.

  • First Council vote OKs CBE funding

    Village Council moved ahead with the project by voting 3–1 in favor of the first reading of an ordinance that appoves an almost $1 million bond issuance for the CBE.

  • CBE funds stable, for now

    The Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) grant to the Village for the CBE infrastructure is not in immediate jeopardy, but there is some risk that the money could be diverted in an emergency.

  • Village moves fast on CBE funding

    Village Council is poised to move forward quickly on the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, at its Jan. 6 meeting.

  • Village Council — Funding for CBE explored

    At their Nov. 18 meeting, Village Council members agreed to begin exploring options for funding the infrastructure of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.

  • Village Council— Funding for nonprofits considered

    How should Village Council respond to funding requests from local nonprofits? Council members held an initial discussion on the issue at their Jan. 7 meeting, although the topic was discussion only, with no action taken at this time.

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