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Articles About land development

  • Comprehensive Land Use Plan— Road map to future growth

    Public feedback has emphasized the need for a broader economic base, more diversity of housing types and prices and municipal broadband, among other priorities.

  • South end development— Council considers land annex

    At its Sept. 8 regular meeting, Village Council considered an annexation agreement to add close to 34 acres of land on the Village’s southern border for a residential development with potentially more than 200 housing units.

  • New arts courses offered at YSHS

    Students at McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School will have some new elective course offerings available to them next year in the arts and communication fields.

  • Sale puts farmland at risk

    The 267-acre Arnovitz property is slated to go to auction March 16 in nine parcels. (YS News map)

    At Village Council’s Feb. 21 meeting, a villager and Village Council member urged villagers to come together in an effort to preserve farmland at risk of development on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Board approves sale— WSU land sale may advance fire station plans

    The Wright State University Board of Trustees voted last Friday to approve the potential sale to a qualified buyer of about four acres of land in Yellow Springs, the former site of the medical clinic on Xenia Avenue between Marshall and Herman streets.

  • Green Generation builders to finish Thistle Creek

    Green Generation design-build team Alex Melamed, left, and Andrew Kline are developing the six remaining lots at Thistle Creek on King Street. They’re offering two home designs that emphasize low-maintenance living and energy efficiency. The young builders intend to finish the development, begun in 2005 by local builder Jonathan Brown. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Eleven years after local builder Jonathan Brown began developing 4.2 acres at Thistle Creek, two young builders are poised to finish off the King Street development.

  • Does Center for Business and Education meet Yellow Springs business needs?

    Central to the question of whether Village government should contribute $700,000 to completing the infrastructure of the Center for Business and Education is whether such a commerce park would meet the needs of businesses already here.

  • Village Council — Funding for CBE explored

    At their Nov. 18 meeting, Village Council members agreed to begin exploring options for funding the infrastructure of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.

  • Barr property to host homage to Mills house

    The Hammond family plans to model their Mills Park Hotel on the Barr property after the 1870 Mills House (see below). Pictured from left are Jim Hammond, Chamber of Commerce representative Roger Reynolds, and Libby and Katie Hammond, talking over the plans at the Grinnell Mill. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    the 28-room hotel that local family Jim, Libby and Katie Hammond plan to build on the Barr property just across from the school will be called Mills Park Hotel, in an homage to William Mills.

  • Food ties village to Ethiopia

    Andy Carlson and Jessica Bilecki stood in a garden they helped grow with a group of villagers in the Kossoye region of Ethiopia in order to improve the village diet. The two Yellow Springs residents are part of the Kossoye Development Project, initiated by Carlson’s father Dennis Carlson with the University of Gondar in the 1960s to improve the health and longevity of the region’s people. (Submitted photo)

    Yellow Springer Andy Carlson recalls with fondness his childhood home in Ethiopia. Growing up with missionary parents in the eastern part of the country, Carlson lived in a colonial Italian mansion that, he remembers, “had a fabulous garden. There were lemon trees, banana trees, all kinds of things.” So he was surprised when, during a trip to Ethiopia decades later, he was unable to find seeds.

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