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Articles About local industry

  • Plans for investing in the village

    Community economist Michael Shuman brainstormed with Yellow Springs Federal Credit Union Executive Director Sandy Hollenberg after three days of local meetings last week with those representing government, education, business and nonprofit sectors. Shuman and Hollenberg are planning to launch one local investment project here to jumpstart the local economy. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A local debit card with rewards for shopping locally. A business incubator on the Antioch campus. Crowdfunding for local businesses. Student debt refinancing for those who live here after graduation. These ideas and more were explored in a series of conversations last week spearheaded by the Yellow Springs Federal Credit Union, or YSFCU.

  • EPA studies vapor in Vernay site cleanup

    Vernay dug new monitoring wells around the perimeter of the its property in February, 2016, after the U.S. EPA requested the company start testing for vapors being released from an underground plume of toxic chemicals as part of a federal cleanup at the former rubber plant. (Submitted photo)

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is trying to determine whether vapors from an underground plume of toxic chemicals expose neighbors of a federal cleanup to dangerous levels of carcinogens, or if residents are safe from immediate and long-term harm.

  • Vernay on path of growth

    With a committed force of long-time employees who care a great deal about the well being of the company, Vernay is poised to widen the markets for its small rubber parts, which are used in nearly every automobile and appliance in the world.

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