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Articles About Native Americans

  • ‘Caesar’s Redemption’— Local history, authentically imagined

    Local playwright Kane Stratton is debuting an eight-minute film vignette drawn from a longer script that explores the life of a Black man named Caesar, a “maroon” among the Shawnee people of southwestern Ohio in the 1770s and beyond.

  • The Longest Walk 2019— Spiritual journey makes stop

    Five Native American activists who are crossing the country in a five-month trek called “The Longest Walk: We Shall Continue” stopped Thursday, June 27, at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus to share information about their journey and the 11 issues they carry. Pictured, from left, are walkers Michael Lane, Sharon Heta and Cynthia Young. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    On the 137th day of a planned 155-day walk across the country, a small group of Native American activists stopped last week at Antioch College to talk about the issues that led them to spend five months on the road.

  • Standing up for a threatened people

    Former Antioch College students Jenny Johnson and Jake Stockwell spend several months each year at the Diné reservation in the four corners region of Arizona herding sheep for Diné elder Pauline Whitesinger, center, to support the tribe’s resistance to a federal relocation policy. (Submitted photo)

    Far from the fertile green fields of Yellow Springs, in the arid high desert of the four corners region of Arizona, live the scattered families of the Navajo, or Diné, tribe. They have, for decades, resisted federal government attempts to remove them from their ancestral land, and have done so with the help of some […]

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