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Articles About racial bias

  • Diversity, inclusion efforts at the Village— Understanding implicit bias

    Over the last six months, employees of the Village attended trainings to create a more inclusive and diverse work environment and improve cultural competency at the Village.

  • Village Council— Blacks get more citations

    African-American villagers received citations from the YSPD at a significantly higher rate than to white villagers, according to a statistical study of local police data sponsored by the Justice System Task Force.

  • Police data sparks debate

    A spirited discussion took place at Village Council’s Nov. 6 meeting regarding whether a Justice System Task Force member acted appropriately or not this week when he posted on Facebook controversial police department statistics in the context of criticism of a fellow JSTF member who was running for Village Council.

  • Taking the knee, together

    Protesters at Saturday’s action took a knee and sang the national anthem while kneeling on one knee, a gesture of solidarity with NFL players who have done the same during the anthem. Pictured here, from left, are villagers Kelly Fox, Tina Fox, Dan Dixon, Maria Bakari, Sherry Walker and Aiysha Walker. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    At least 65 local protesters “took the knee” for racial justice last Saturday.

  • Guns and grand juries up for reform

    Walmart stores sell their guns behind glass, as pictured above. The Beavercreek Walmart, where John Crawford III was killed two years ago, previously sold air rifles off the shelf, but no longer sells the rifles, according to a store associate. The Xenia Walmart, however, continues to sell air rifles; a recent visit to that store counted 24 varieties of the rifle sold off the shelf. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Fifth article in this series: In Ohio, the public outcry following the police shootings of John Crawford III and Tamir Rice, as well as the growing national dialogue on policing and criminal justice, has led to a variety of recommendations for structural reform in the criminal justice system.

  • Through the lens of race: the 911 call

    A video still showing John Crawford III, at the far end of the aisle, and shopper Angela Williams and her two children in the foreground. The still is from a Walmart surveillance video from the night of Aug. 5, 2014. (From Walmart security cameras, Youtube)

    Third article in this series: From Beavercreek to Baton Rouge, high-profile police shootings of unarmed African-American men reveal dramatic disparities in how white and black citizens are perceived and treated by police.

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