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Articles About wetlands

  • Nearly $1M in improvements slated for Glen Helen

    The old Antioch College power plant will soon be demolished and the land rehabbed into wetlands, thanks in part to a $988,119 grant from the Clean Ohio Conservation Fund.

  • Still as Glass

    Local photographer James Luckett captured the Glass Farm wetland at sunset on Sunday, Nov. 8. The eight-acre wetland, created by the Village from a detention basin, attracts wildlife and villagers alike. Ohio has lost 90% of its original wetlands.

  • Village solar field goes online

    Rows of shiny new solar panels on the Glass Farm are the latest and most visible symbol of the Village of Yellow Springs’ commitment to green energy.

  • Village Council— Wetland parking lot approved

    At Village Council’s Jan. 17 meeting, Council members voted to move ahead to complete construction of a small parking area near a wetlands on the Glass Farm.

  • Council nixes grant for wetland

    One of the beavers present in the Glass Farm wetland. (submitted photo by Scott Stolsenberg)

    At their Jan. 20 meeting, Village Council delivered a setback to a group of local environmentalists who sought to develop a management plan for a wetlands on the Glass Farm.

  • Balance of beaver, human needs

    A detention basin along King Street has become an accidental wetland at the paws of furry, semi-aquatic rodents that recently moved into the village.

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