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Articles About Yellow Springs Schools :: Page 3

  • YS School Board— Sixth graders give back through service

    Mills Lawn sixth graders are learning to think of themselves in a civic context — as community members with the ability to be of service and contribute to the greater good.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Expenses outpace revenues

    Yellow Springs Schools will be able to continue to balance its budget through fiscal year 2023, but the following year’s solvency is uncertain, Interim Treasurer Tammy Emrick has concluded in compiling the district’s latest five-year forecast.

  • Fourth year of taking students ‘Into the Wild’

    All 65 members of the seventh-grade class at McKinney Middle School participated last month in the three-day, 53-mile,  camping-biking experience known as Into the Wild.

  • YS Schools facilities— New report, familiar concerns

    Local school buildings are in immediate need of upgrades. That was the paraphrased conclusion Wednesday, May 15, when representatives of the architectural engineering firm hired by Yellow Springs Schools to conduct an independent assessment of district facilities presented their findings to a joint meeting of the school board and the recently formed facilities task force.

  • Native American mascot controversy— Schools learn limits of debate

    Should schools use Native American images and names for sports teams? Yellow Springs High School 10th-grade social studies students were set to debate the pros and cons of that question next week before a panel of community member judges.

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