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Articles About YSCCC

  • Yellow Springs Children’s Center earns five stars

    The five-star label is the highest possible rating assigned by Step Up to Quality, a statewide quality rating and improvement system administered jointly by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

  • Leadership changes at YSCCC

    Mary Stukenberg, interim director of the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, “dug in” to her new job last week, with the help of Ella Fodal-McCray (left) and Lilly Brown (right). Stukenberg, a former teacher at the center, started in her new role on Monday, Nov. 2. Former interim director Karen Wolford was also asked back to help stabilize the center after Executive Director Rebecca Lowry, hired in July, left on Oct. 30. (Photo Audrey Hackett)

    Four months after hiring a new executive director, the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center is again without permanent leadership — but the center’s board has moved swiftly to pull together a credible interim team. Other changes, including new fundraising efforts, are also underway.

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