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Music Section :: Page 13

  • YSYOA seeks to enrich local music

    The board of the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association is launching a new membership drive. Shown above are board members, from left, Carolyn Ray, Shirley Mullins, Liz Blakelock and Cammy Dell Grote at the piano. Not shown are Jeff Huntington, Scott Kellogg and Dennis Farmer. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association hopes to rejuvenate its membership and generate interest in music across a broad range of villagers, both young and old.

  • Chamber Music Yellow Springs presents choral music from Calmus

    The Calmus Ensemble from Leipzig, Germany to perform on Sunday, Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church. (Submitted Photo)

    Chamber Music in Yellow Springs welcomes the Calmus Ensemble to perform a concert of choral chamber music on Sunday, Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • Choral group to perform

    The Calmus Ensemble from Leipzig, Germany to perform on Sunday, Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m., at the First Presbyterian Church. (Submitted Photo)

    The Calmus Ensemble will perform choral music on Sunday, Jan. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church as part of Chamber Music Yellow Springs.

  • Music and friends at Cello Springs

    Yellow Springs becomes Cello Springs this week and next, with the debut of a cello festival that runs from Jan. 4–14 and includes several public performances. Pictured from left, festival organizers Lisa Liske-Doorandish, Chiara Enderle and Miriam Liske-Doorandish improvised together at the Foundry Theater before the Friends Music Camp benefit concert last Friday. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    For two weeks beginning Jan. 4, Yellow Springs will become Cello Springs — home to a cello festival that strings together music, friendship, family and love.

  • Friends Music Camp presents holiday concert

    The annual holiday concert of staff and campers of Friends Music Camp will take place Friday, Dec. 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theater on the Antioch campus. Staff members and professional musicians Wendy Champney Enderle and Martha Hyde will perform, along with cellist Chiara Enderle, violinist Mathias Enderle and former campers Sam Salazar and Rory Papania, among others. The event raises money for camper scholarships. Shown above, Papania performed at the group’s 2016 summer benefit, which also took place in Yellow Springs. (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    Friends Music Camp staffers and campers present their annual holiday concert on Friday, Dec. 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theatre on the Antioch College campus.

  • Cello Springs Festival 2017

    Cello Springs Festival is coming to the village, Jan. 4–14, with five scheduled public concerts, all free.

  • WinterSong Encore at First Presbyterian

    Enjoy the high-volume, high-spirits musical talent of more than 20 local singers and musicians at WinterSong Encore, this Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m.

  • CMYS to host David Trio

    The David Piano Trio will perform at CMYS on Sunday, Oct. 23. (Submitted Photo)

    The David Trio hails from Italy and will join us in Yellow Springs on Sunday, Oct. 23, for the second concert in the Chamber Music in Yellow Springs 2016–17 season.

  • Auryn Quartet opens CMYS season

    The Auryn Quartet will perform at CMYS’s first concert of the season on Sunday, Oct. 9, at 7:30 p.m. (Submitted Photo)

    Chamber Music in Yellow Springs looks forward to welcoming back the accomplished Auryn Quartet on Sunday, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m., at  First Presbyterian Church.

  • 2016 Blues Fest to honor Faith Patterson

    The AACW Blues, Jazz & Gospel Fest returns to the village this weekend with diverse performances and activities. At the heart of this year’s festival is a community memorial service for Faith Patterson, the festival’s founder and a beloved Yellow Springs community member who died in January. Patterson will be honored at 3 p.m. Saturday on the 2016 festival grounds at the John Bryan Center. Here, she is pictured watching her son, musician Nerak Roth Patterson, perform at the festival in 2006. (News archive photo by Robert Hasek)

    Remembering, honoring and celebrating the life of teacher and community organizer Faith Patterson will be at the forefront of this year’s AACW Blues, Jazz & Gospel Fest, the music festival she founded here in 1997.

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