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Music Section :: Page 20

  • Bit of the Big Easy in Yellow Springs

    New Yellow Springs High School band Sassabrass, rooted in the tradition of New Orleans street musicians, will perform at the Friends Music Camp fundraiser on Dec. 29 and at a future event at the Spirited Goat. Members pictured here include, from left, Maddie Allen, Meredith Rowe, Gabriel Day, Jack Lewis, Joshua Seitz, Connor Gravley-Novello, Lucas Mulhall, Max Mullin and Peter Day. (Submitted photo by Nadia Mulhall)

    There’s a new sound to be heard around the halls of the Yellow Springs High School thanks to the recently formed street band Sassabrass.

  • Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert

    New music teacher Brian Mayer conducts the 5th and 6th grade band in the 2013 Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Over 100 students took to their instruments or wound up their vocal chords in a spectacular Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert under the tutelage and leadership of new music director Brian Mayer.

  • Theremin master to perform at the Glen Auditorium

    Master Theremin player and experimental electronic musician Eric Ross will performs at Antioch College Amphitheatre Monday evening. (Photo from

    Eric Ross, master Theremin player, will present his unique blend of classical, serial, jazz, electronic and avant-garde music on Monday October 7th, at 8:30 p.m., at the Glen Auditorium because of the weather.

  • Yellow Springs bus travels for music

    The Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra in 2010 when they celebrated their 75th anniversary.

    Bus excursions to the Dayton Philharmonic and Springfield Symphony, a 36-year village tradition, will continue this year.

  • The 16th annual AACW Blues Fest­— Blues, jazz and gospel to reign

    A blues singer from Uruguay will make her first appearance at this year’s AACW Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest, to take place Aug. 22 through 25 at the Antioch College amphitheatre. The singer, Virginia Martinez, contacted Blues Fest organizers because she’d heard of the event and wanted to perform, according to Karen Patterson. When Patterson […]

  • Multicultural choir begins rehearsals, seeks new members

    The World House Choir will hold six rehearsals in preparation for two upcoming September performances. Rehearsals will be held Mondays, Aug. 12, 19 and 26, Tuesday, Sept. 3, and Mondays, Sept. 9 and 16. Free child care will be available at rehearsals. The choir will perform on Sunday, Sept. 8 at Urbana University as part […]

  • Friends to perform benefit concert

    Friends Music Camp will perform a benefit concert for the Glen this weekend.

  • Chorus filled chapel with sounds of fury, humor, light

    Yellow Springs Community Chorus performed the Carmina Burana on Sunday.

  • Catch a ride to the Dayton Philharmonic choral performance

    Yellow Springs will continue its tradition of chartering a school bus to the finale of the Dayton Philharmonic season this weekend.

  • Ohio Brass & Electric to play Home, Inc. benefit

    Ohio Brass & Electric, a new local 11-piece horn band will play at the Home, Inc. benefit “Springs Soiree” on Friday, May 3.

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