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Music Section :: Page 21

  • Reed quintet delights students

    Members of the Amsterdam-based reed quintet Calefax treated Mills Lawn students to a music workshop on Monday.

  • When teaching is as fun as jamming

    Oliver Simons and Zac Fenton started Lord of the Strings musical instruction in a studio space at MillWorks to teach children and adults how to play instruments alone and with others. Here at a recent music lesson, are, clockwise from front right, Eli Eyrich, Dorian Campbell, Simons, Fenton and Drevin Roberts. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Oliver Simons and Zac Fenton were 11 years old when they started their first rock band. The experience was seminal, and since then music has been their life. Now they are passing on their skills, and their passion,

  • Canadians are coming to sing with their strings

    Chamber Music Yellow Springs opens its 2012–13 concert season with the young Canadian Afiara Quartet.

  • YS music lovers, hop on the bus

    YSYOA representative Jeff Huntington gives the low-down on how to get to both the Dayton Philharmonic and Springfield Symphony on a budget.

  • Chamber music fundraiser— Italy remixed, in music and in place

    The Italianate Glen House Inn will be the site of Una Festa Italiana, a fundraiser for Chamber Music Yellow Springs, on Sunday, Aug. 26, beginning at 4 p.m. The event features Italian food, wine and music by local ensemble James Johnston, Mary White, Franklin Cox and Barbara Leeds. (Submitted photo)

    This weekend, as a fundraiser for CMYS, a local string ensemble will perform an intimate concert of Baroque sonatas in the setting of an Italian villa that matches the scene of the music’s inception.

  • The Incredibles and other heroes come to village through Community Band

    Sounding the praise of heroes the world wide, the Yellow Springs Community Band will perform its third and final outdoor summer concert this Saturday, July 28, at 12:30 p.m. in Kings Yard, behind the Trail Tavern. Admission is free.

  • Friends Music Camp to entertain, benefit Glen

    Campers and staff from Friends Music Camp will present their annual Yellow Springs concert this Saturday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym.

  • VIDEO: Village Fam Summer Jam

    A faithful crowd soaked up the tunes at the first Summer Jam, a two-day concert at the Antioch Amphitheatre organized by Yellow Springs hip hop group Village Fam. See photos and a video of highlights.

  • World comes to Cincinnati to sing

    Villager Cathy Roma will lead three choirs in the upcoming 2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati, July 4–14. (Submitted photo)

    “Cincinnati will be an international summer chorale village,” Cathy Roma said recently. “No one has seen anything like it.” And Roma will be in the thick of it.

  • Warmer, retro sound for Wheels

    Local band Wheels, here performing at Toxic Beauty Records on National Record Store Day in April, recently released a seven-inch vinyl single through Toxic Beauty’s new record label. From left are band members Sam Salazar, Jaime Scott, Rory Papania, Conor Stratton and Sam Crawford. (Submitted photo by Toxic Beauty Records)

    For most of the rock ‘n’ roll era, bands delivered their new music as singles on seven-inch vinyl records. One Yellow Springs band is now reviving the analog record in defiance of today’s digital standards,

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