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Music Section :: Page 19

  • Concert series celbrates 30 years— CMYS built on Antioch’s shoulders

    The local First Presbyterian Church sanctuary is quite lovely, but ever thought of comparing it to, say, Carnegie Hall? The same small string, wind and vocal ensembles that play under the big lights in New York City, Paris and Tokyo, also play in this little Ohio town, the improbable seat of a world-class chamber music series known as Chamber Music Yellow Springs.

  • Yellow Springs music scene gets bigger

    Local indie band Speaking Suns rocked the audience at the Spirited Goat Coffeehouse on Saturday night. The band will perform with labelmates Sport Fishing USA and Blond at a fundraiser for the independent label Great Guys Records. From left are Connor Stratton on bass, Jacob Diebold on guitar, David Byrne (back) on drums and Sam Salazar on keyboard. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    For a bumping live music scene, Sixth Street in Austin and the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn had a competitor in downtown Yellow Springs last Saturday night.

  • Chamber Music Yellow Springs to host vocal group

    Chamber Music Yellow Springs presents New York Polyphony on Sunday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church. The ensemble includes Countertenor Geoffrey Williams, tenor Steven Caldicott Wilson, baritone Christopher Dylan Herbert and bass singer Craig Phillips, who will perform an early music program, several American folk songs and a contemporary commission by Ivan Moody. (Submitted photo)

    On Sunday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m., New York Polyphony will perform at First Presbyterian Church as part of the Chamber Music Yellow Springs series.

  • CMYS to host New York vocal group

    New York Polyphony, a vocal ensemble, will perform a wide ranging repertoire including early music, American folk songs and a contemporary commission by Ivan Moody this Sunday at the Presbyterian Church.

  • VIDEO: Yellow Springs Community Band concert

    The Yellow Springs Community Band had their first concert of the year on Sunday, March 9, in Mills Lawn Gym. Enjoy a medley and slideshow of the concert!

  • Upcoming musical weekend

    The First Presbyterian Church will be busy this weekend with concerts on both Saturday and Sunday evenings.

  • Friends concert for a special camp

    From left, Matthias Enderle, violin, and Wendy Champney-Enderle, viola, of the Zurich, Switzerland-based Carmina Quartet, will perform at the annual Friends Music Camp winter benefit concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 29, at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. Here they perform at the 2011 concert. The Enderle family will perform this year with their daugher, Ciara, an up-and-coming cellist. Other Friends Music Camp alumni and instructors to perform at the concert include Martha Hyde, Martin Bakari, Minnita Daniel-Cox and local teen New Orleans-style brass band, Sassabrass. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Several Friends Music Camp alumni and instructors will perform at its Winter Benefit Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 29, at the Yellow Springs Senior Center, to support need-based scholarships and tuition reductions at the annual youth summer music camp.

  • Bit of the Big Easy in Yellow Springs

    New Yellow Springs High School band Sassabrass, rooted in the tradition of New Orleans street musicians, will perform at the Friends Music Camp fundraiser on Dec. 29 and at a future event at the Spirited Goat. Members pictured here include, from left, Maddie Allen, Meredith Rowe, Gabriel Day, Jack Lewis, Joshua Seitz, Connor Gravley-Novello, Lucas Mulhall, Max Mullin and Peter Day. (Submitted photo by Nadia Mulhall)

    There’s a new sound to be heard around the halls of the Yellow Springs High School thanks to the recently formed street band Sassabrass.

  • Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert

    New music teacher Brian Mayer conducts the 5th and 6th grade band in the 2013 Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Over 100 students took to their instruments or wound up their vocal chords in a spectacular Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert under the tutelage and leadership of new music director Brian Mayer.

  • Theremin master to perform at the Glen Auditorium

    Master Theremin player and experimental electronic musician Eric Ross will performs at Antioch College Amphitheatre Monday evening. (Photo from

    Eric Ross, master Theremin player, will present his unique blend of classical, serial, jazz, electronic and avant-garde music on Monday October 7th, at 8:30 p.m., at the Glen Auditorium because of the weather.

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