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Music Section :: Page 14

  • One song with one purpose

    World House Choir director Cathy Roma directs members of the choir in a recent rehearsal. The choir was rehearsing for their upcoming program “Come Sit at the Welcome Table,” which features songs in a variety of languages and highlights themes of inclusion and unity. The group is composed of approximately 100 singers from all over Miami Valley. The program will be performed in Yellow Springs on Sept. 7 and 9, at the First Presbyterian Church. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The upcoming concert series by the World House Choir, “Come Sit at the Welcome Table,” references the numerous ways the theme of inclusion is part of its performances.

  • Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest to return

    The annual AACW Blues Fest will return this year, with events held around town. (photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    The annual AACW Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest will return Thursday–Sunday, Sept. 8–11.

  • Forest friends

    Young musicians with the Friends Music Camp, or FMC, marched through town on Saturday, July 30, to promote the 33rd annual benefit concert for Glen Helen, held later that evening. FMC musicians played flutes, horns, violins, saxophones and plenty of percussion as they passed the Mills Park Hotel and continued to move their joyful noise up Xenia Avenue. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    What started out as a quick musical march up and down Xenia Avenue (top) ended up as a two-hour performance Saturday evening, July 30, to benefit Glen Helen.

  • Friends Music Campers make music for Glen

    Friends Music Camp campers marched through town to promote their annual concert in 2014. This year’s concert is Saturday, July 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the Antioch College Foundry Theater. (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    A couple of busloads of young campers and adult staff from Friends Music Camp are set to arrive in town Saturday, July 30, for the camp’s annual concert to benefit Glen Helen.

  • Community Band to wrap up summer season

    The YS Community Band will present the final concert of the summer season on Saturday, July 30, noon, in Kings Yard.

  • Singing in the Springs

    `The first annual Springsfest featured daylong music last Saturday on the lawn in front of the Bryan Center. Bands from the Dayton, Columbus, Yellow Springs and Indianapolis areas performed, including the Motel Beds of Columbus, shown above. (Photo by Diane Chiddsiter)

    About 600 paid customers attended the first annual Springsfest, a music festival that featured daylong music last Saturday on the lawn in front of the Bryan Center.

  • Goal of concerts is to restore Antioch College grand piano

    Pianist Sam Reich stands in front of the Antioch College’s Foundry ­Theater, which houses the college’s Steinway concert grand piano. Reich hopes to fund the restoration of the piano to peak form through the proceeds of the Yellow Springs Piano Fest, a series of performances he envisons over the next year. Reich will kick off the series with a performance of J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations, Sunday, July 24, at 7 p.m. at the Herndon Gallery. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Locally based pianist Sam Reich had an idea, and now he’s seeing where it leads. The idea: Raise enough money to rehabilitate the grand piano at Antioch College’s Foundry Theater.

  • It’s a rap—Issa Walker featured on a new album

    Issa Ali (area resident Issa Walker, center) is featured on a new single with legendary Brooklyn rapper Talib Kweli (right). Walker wrote, produced and performed on the track, which is available online. According to Walker, his approach to the song was simple: bring back the timeless hip-hop sound of serious lyricism over a classic beat. (Submitted photo)

    Yellow Springs resident and resident hip-hop artist Issa Walker alternated between excitement and nonchalance when recently discussing one of his latest musical endeavors. Not only did Walker write the music for a song performed by one of his idols, but he got to rap on it as well.

  • YS Community Band to perform Sunday evening

    The YS Community Band will perform Sunday night in the Mills Lawn gym. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    The YS Community Band will present “South of the Border” on Sunday, May 22, 7:30 p.m., in the Mills Lawn gym.

  • Haydn’s ‘Creation’ to sound

    The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and Community Orchestra present “The Creation” by Haydn next Sunday, May 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. The group is shown here rehearsing Bernstein’s “Chichester Psalms” last year, with Jennifer Gilchrist, who is a featured soloist for “The Creation,” shown standing at right. (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    Haydn’s oratorio “The Creation” will be performed at the spring concert of the Yellow Springs Community Chorus and the Yellow Springs Orchestra on Mother’s Day.

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