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Arts Section :: Page 116

  • YS filmmakers travel to New York

    Two Yellow Springs filmmakers, Aileen LeBlanc and Jim Klein, will be filming part of a documentary entitled “Take Us Home” in New York City on Monday, Nov. 8.

  • Mandolins to play Garcia piece

    In the early 20th century, mandolin orchestras sprung up in Dayton and elsewhere, playing rags, marches, light classical and waltzes with the energetic ting of the uniquely American flatback mandolin. Today the mandolin craze is back, including in Yellow Springs, now home for the six-year-old Dayton Mandolin Orchestra.

  • Red Priest pays visit to Mills Lawn School

    The rollicking baroque ensemble Red Priest gave a commanding performance at Mills Lawn School Monday morning. (Photo by Matt Minde; camera courtesy of Ms. Deborah Mabra)

    Mills Lawn School students got an ear- and eyeful of baroque music madness when the world-class ensemble Red Priest performed.

  • Film chronicles small town’s first integrated prom

    The Little Art Theatre will offer a second free screening of Prom Night in Mississippi on Saturday, Oct. 30, at 4 p.m. The documentary, shot in 2008, follows a group of high school seniors preparing for their first racially-integrated prom.

  • VIDEO – Thrill Yellow Springs and the world

    On Saturday, Oct. 23, area zombies descended on the Bryan Center gym to dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at the same time that thousands danced it all over the world. “Thrill The World” is an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of “Thriller.”

  • Qigong in Yellow Springs

    The Senior Center hosts regular sessions of Qigong, the Chinese art of energy manipulation.

  • Group keeps theater arts going

    When a new pit orchestra conductor was needed three weeks before the opening of last spring’s high school musical, the Yellow Springs High School Theatre Arts Association, or YSHSTAA, scrambled to find one. When concerns about censorship of student-written plays arose…

  • VIDEO – Art Stroll comedy performance highlights

    Highlights from “Hey, That’s A Nice Bike”, a meta philosophic dramatic sketch comedy performance put on by the 3rd Friday Players during Art Stroll on Friday, Oct. 15.

  • Local artists open their studios for annual tour

    Tom Hawley, who creates modern clocks, wood sculptures and bowls out of downed trees, will showcase his craft in his Millworks studio as part of the Artist Studio Tour. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    On Saturday, Oct. 16, and Sunday, Oct. 17, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., local artists will open their studios to show and sell their artwork to the public as part of the annual Artist Studio Tour.

  • A change of key for the chorus

    Over the past 31 years, the name Ruth Bent has become synonymous with the Yellow Springs Community Chorus. And it was no small concern for Bent, when her eyesight began to fail, that the chorus continue with a strong and dedicated leader.

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