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Arts Section :: Page 117

  • ‘Artoberfest’ celebrates the arts

    This year the Yellow Springs Arts Council has a lot to celebrate, as it hired its first staff member, opened a new office and gallery space and organized the successful summer Yellow Springs Experience.

  • New creative cycle for musician

    With a couple of old projects winding up and several new ones budding, local musician Carl Schumacher says he finds himself at the beginning of a “new creative cycle.” Interest is building in his recently-formed band New Schu, a “new configuration” of the previous Carl Schumacher Band.

  • Art Stroll to showcase painting, quilts and theater

    Paintings by Eddie Eckenrode have been shown in the gallery to be newly-named "Eddie Eckenrode Gallery" at this fall's Art Stroll. Though these abstract structural pieces are typical of Eckenrode's later work, his never-before-exhibited figurative paintings from the late 1960s and early 1970s will be on display this Friday. (Submitted photo)

    The semi-annual Art Stroll, an evening of informal art and entertainment downtown, will take place on Friday, Oct. 15, from 6 to 9 p.m. This fall’s stroll will be held in honor of Eddie Eckenrode, who helped organize the first stroll in 1996, and who died in May.*

  • Eddie to be honored at 14th Art Stroll

    n was in 1996 that long-time village shopkeeper and painter Eddie Eckenrode helped organize the first Art Stroll. So it seems only fitting that this fall’s Art Stroll be held in honor of him.

  • Tour to focus on the creative process

    For the last seven years, the annual October Studio Tour has flooded the town with art buyers, boosting the local tourist economy and supporting its artists.

  • Film tracks exotic pet industry

    Throughout the 1980s on the east side of Hilltop Road at Fairground Road there stood a modest, old house with a conspicuously large metal cage in the back yard. On nice days, passersby who happened to focus beyond the fencing would likely have seen what appeared to be a lion. Was it a pet? Did it live there permanently? Could it escape?

  • New band Kuan defies labels

    Kuan’s brand of experimental instrumental rock music breaks all the rules. More art than entertainment, the local band’s addition to the already-diverse Yellow Springs music scene is rock that’s both highly composed and free jazz-inspired. Recently returned from a 32-day, 30-city nationwide tour and with a new EP album,“Colors”…

  • Nonstop presents local stories

    Everybody has a story, whose content is subject to interpretation by its teller. In the case of Nonstop Liberal Arts Institute’s newest project, the storytellers are four area artists who have created three installations for “Local Stories — An Oral Histories Project.” The stories they tell are of the residents who live here and form the essence of the local landscape.

  • Film tonight on civil rights murders

    A documentary on the effects of the 40-year-old murders of three civil rights workers on a Mississippi town will be shown Thursday, Sept. 23, at the Little Art Theater in Yellow Springs.

  • Bahnsen’s photos to be honored

    For more than 50 years until his death, a photographer of international stature lived and worked in Yellow Springs. The work of that photographer, Axel Bahnsen, will be honored this weekend with the publication of a new book of his photographs.

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