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Arts Section :: Page 54

  • Harlem Renaissance Revisited

    "Harlem Renaissance Revisited," the final performance in this spring's Langston Hughes retrospective, is happening Sunday, May 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theater.

    The YS Chamber Orchestra and Community Chorus will present the final concert in this spring’s Langston Hughes retrospective. “Harlem Renaissance Revisited,” a program of music and poetry, will be performed Sunday, May 7, 7:30 p.m., at the Foundry Theater.

  • Jennifer Rosengarten at Springfield Art Museum— Artist’s ‘exuberance’ in nature

    A solo show by local artist Jennifer Rosengarten is opening at the Springfield Museum of Art this Saturday, April 22, with a reception from 5:30 to 7 p.m. “Jennifer Rosengarten: Gardens & Ponds” will run through Jan. 7, 2018. Pictured here in her Dayton Street studio, the artist is increasingly well-known for her evocative paintings of the natural world. (Submitted photo by Bill Franz)

    Artist Jennifer Rosengarten’s biggest show thus far, “Gardens & Ponds” set to open this weekend at Springfield Museum of Art. It will run April 22 through Jan. 7, 2018, in the museum’s special exhibition gallery.

  • Needlework retreat comes to Yellow Springs

    “From Our Hands and Hearts,” an annual creative retreat for needlework artists, is coming to Yellow Springs April 24–27. Organizers are Lori Ann Corelis, a folk artist who sews rabbits, teddy bears and other collectibles, and Rebekah Smith, a wool appliqué artist. The public is invited to a show and sale on the last day of the retreat, April 27, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Mills Park Hotel. (Submitted photos)

    Next Monday, April 24, needlework artists from across Ohio and states such as California, New York and Rhode Island will take up residence in the Mills Park Hotel for four days, and they’ll stitch, and stitch some more.

  • Rosengarten at Springfield Museum of Art

    Local painter Jennifer Rosengarten will display her work at the Springfield Museum of Art this Saturday through January 2018.

  • Herndon Gallery: Identity unmasked in ‘Schizomaica’

    Antioch College’s Herndon Gallery is hosting “Schizomaica,” a show by Jamaican-born artist Kamar Thomas, currently visiting assistant professor of visual arts at Antioch. Up for a few more weeks, the show features 19 works in oil and charcoal, including “Selfie 3,” pictured here at right. A reception and painting demonstration will be held on Thursday, April 20, from 7 to 9 p.m. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    27-year-old Kamar Thomas is currently a visiting assistant professor of visual arts at Antioch College. His Herndon Gallery show, titled “Schizomaica”, which features 19 works in oil and charcoal, combines elements of performance, photography and painting.

  • Chamber Music in Yellow Springs 32nd Annual Competition

    The 32nd Annual Competition concert will complete the 2016–17 season.

  • YSHS production of ‘Oklahoma!’ has legs — about 90

    Yellow Springs High School is presenting the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic “Oklahoma!” this month, with performance dates April 21–23 and 28–30 at Antioch’s Foundry Theater. Directed by Ed Knapp, the musical is still relevant to contemporary teens, according to several of the Yellow Springs actors stepping into starring roles. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The Yellow Springs High School musical production of ‘Oklahoma!’ has legs — about 90 of them

  • Antioch Review, the little magazine, still big at 75

    The 1944 Antioch Review Board (Courtesy Antiochiana)

    With 75 years of continuous publication and a knack for picking and publishing a host of vital American voices, the The Antioch Review is a “little magazine” with an undeniably “big” impact and influence.

  • Friends use art to confront illness

    A new Yellow Springs Arts Council show, “Bosom Buddies,” opens on Friday, April 21, with a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. The show was inspired by the art created by Corrine Bayraktaroglu and friends during her bout with cancer. Other community members are invited to submit to the show art that’s linked to breast cancer. Shown above are Bayraktaroglu and her good friend, Nancy Mellon, who together are known as the JafaGirls. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    “Corrine deals with everything through art,” said Nancy Mellon, speaking recently of her dear friend and frequent art-making collaborator Corrine Bayraktaroglu. The “everything” in this case is breast cancer.

  • Local artists ‘try another way’

    “Dichotomy — Chains and Wings,” a pastel drawing by local artist Theresa Mayer, will be featured in a new exhibit, “Try Another Way: Redefining Dis-abilities.” Showcasing works in various media by local artists living with disabilities, the exhibit will open with a reception at the YSAC Community Gallery on Friday, March 17, from 6 to 9 p.m., and will stay up through April 15. (Submitted photo)

    The Yellow Springs Arts Council will host the exhibit “Try Another Way: Redefining Dis-abilities,” featuring the work of persons with disabilities or living with those with disabilities.

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