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Arts Section :: Page 60

  • New mural goes up downtown

    Look up! Downtown Yellow Springs has a new mural above Dark Star Books. Pangaea and Current Cuisine. Painted by local artist Mandy Sue, it features scenes from the Glen, local flora and fauna and everybody’s favorite fat cat, Mr. Eko.

  • Auryn Quartet opens CMYS season

    The Auryn Quartet will perform at CMYS’s first concert of the season on Sunday, Oct. 9, at 7:30 p.m. (Submitted Photo)

    Chamber Music in Yellow Springs looks forward to welcoming back the accomplished Auryn Quartet on Sunday, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m., at  First Presbyterian Church.

  • A watched pot…

    Fire leapt out and greeted potters Nicki Strouss and Winter Rowley (bottom left, fetching more wood) of John Bryan Community Pottery during the group’s community wood firing event last weekend. (Photo by Isaac Delamatre)

    Members of John Bryan Community Pottery carefully tended the fire for 24 hours, with wood added every 10 minutes to keep the kiln raging hot.

  • Preserve family histories in workshop

    "Did they clear and settle land? Were any of them gold rushers? Did they fight in the Civil War, or nurse its wounded? Was one a sea captain? A coal miner? Or the mother of many? What were their daily lives like?"

    Local author Ralph Keyes, who is just wrapping up leading a community memoir workshop entitled “Telling Your Story,” will begin leading a new workshop, “Telling Your Ancestors’ Stories,” on Oct. 20.

  • Asbury Shorts to return to Little Art

    The Asbury Shorts Concert 36th anniversary show will screen at the Little Art on Oct. 26.

    The Asbury Shorts Concert will return to the Little Art Theatre for a second year on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, Oct. 9, at 4 p.m. The Asbury Shorts Concert will present its 35th anniversary show of acclaimed short films.

  • Artists sought to create new Bryan Center signs

    The Village of YS is looking to commission a local artist or artists to create new signs for the Bryan Center.

    The Village of Yellow Springs is in the market for new signs for the John Bryan Community Center — and they’re looking for inspiration among Yellow Springs’ own bevy of creative talent.

  • A Generation Apart — The YSKP Alumni

    The Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse hosted a small gathering last Saturday for alumni to reminisce about the plays they acted in as kids that shaped their lives as adults.

  • An art-full weekend

    Five art shows are opening this weekend (Friday and Sunday) at different locations around Yellow Springs.

  • 2016 Blues Fest to honor Faith Patterson

    The AACW Blues, Jazz & Gospel Fest returns to the village this weekend with diverse performances and activities. At the heart of this year’s festival is a community memorial service for Faith Patterson, the festival’s founder and a beloved Yellow Springs community member who died in January. Patterson will be honored at 3 p.m. Saturday on the 2016 festival grounds at the John Bryan Center. Here, she is pictured watching her son, musician Nerak Roth Patterson, perform at the festival in 2006. (News archive photo by Robert Hasek)

    Remembering, honoring and celebrating the life of teacher and community organizer Faith Patterson will be at the forefront of this year’s AACW Blues, Jazz & Gospel Fest, the music festival she founded here in 1997.

  • Antioch students to screen RNC documentary

    Antioch College student Lillian Burke interviewed an open carry activist at last week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Burke and a number of fellow students went to the convention, where they spoke with activists and attendees of all stripes as part of Professor Charles Fairbanks’ media arts class. (Submitted photo)

    On Thursday, Sept. 15, Antioch College media arts students and faculty will present their new documentary “The Elephant In Our Room,” which was filmed at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

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