Arts Section :: Page 59
World House Choir to welcome new members
The World House Choir will welcome new members on Monday, Nov. 7.
Yellow Springs takes part in nationwide reading— Play asks, Can it happen here?
A prescient novel from 1935 is getting new life as a touchstone for our current presidential season.
Library to provide space for NaNoWriMo
Beginning next Tuesday, Nov. 1, the local library will provide quiet space on Tuesday nights, Nov. 1–29, for National Novel Writing Month participants.
Last weekend for “Something Wicked This Way Comes”
The Yellow Springs Theater Company presents “Something Wicked This Way Comes” this weekend at the First Presbyterian Church.
Debut of new Open Studios tour
The third weekend in October has become widely known among area artists and art lovers as a time to celebrate and support art-making in Yellow Springs.
CMYS to host David Trio
The David Trio hails from Italy and will join us in Yellow Springs on Sunday, Oct. 23, for the second concert in the Chamber Music in Yellow Springs 2016–17 season.
YSTC production— ‘Wicked’ play comes our way
The auditorium of First Presbyterian Church was echoing with strange howls and exclamations last week, as a klatch of “carnival freaks” formed a circle and wailed around two adolescent friends. It was a strange sight to behold.
Seidl, Holyoke to receive fall VIDA
Kaethi Seidl and Beth Holyoke are the fall 2016 recipients of the Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA.
Downtown murals: overhead and out back
Two murals went up last week above and behind the shops of Dark Star Books, Pangaea and Current Cuisine.
Former CEO turns talents to art
The title of Richard Lapedes’s upcoming first show — “Sculpture: Recovering from 30 years of Management” — sums up his feelings on the matter.
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