Arts Section :: Page 61
Public events slated at Antioch College reunion
During its upcoming reunion, Antioch College will offer several creative performance events, in accordance with the theme of this year’s reunion, “Theater and Performance.”
Art House Hop this Saturday
The annual Yellow Springs Arts Council Art House Hop takes place this Saturday.
One song with one purpose
The upcoming concert series by the World House Choir, “Come Sit at the Welcome Table,” references the numerous ways the theme of inclusion is part of its performances.
Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest to return
The annual AACW Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest will return Thursday–Sunday, Sept. 8–11.
Memoir writing workshop to be offered
Local author Ralph Keyes will teach a memoir writing workshop this fall entitled “Telling Your Story.”
Mug shot
The 33rd annual Art on the Lawn took place last Saturday, Aug. 13. Around 100 vendors participated, and the event drew solid crowds most of the day, despite late-afternoon rain.
Art on Lawn this Saturday
One of the things that makes the annual Art on the Lawn event stand out from other art and artisan shows is in its title — that would be the Lawn part.
Forest friends
What started out as a quick musical march up and down Xenia Avenue (top) ended up as a two-hour performance Saturday evening, July 30, to benefit Glen Helen.
Mudpuppies: Children’s Center visits John Bryan Pottery
Seven children from the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center spent a week learning the ins and outs of pottery and ceramics at John Bryan Pottery.
Friends Music Campers make music for Glen
A couple of busloads of young campers and adult staff from Friends Music Camp are set to arrive in town Saturday, July 30, for the camp’s annual concert to benefit Glen Helen.
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