Arts Section :: Page 57
Choral group to perform
The Calmus Ensemble will perform choral music on Sunday, Jan. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church as part of Chamber Music Yellow Springs.
Music and friends at Cello Springs
For two weeks beginning Jan. 4, Yellow Springs will become Cello Springs — home to a cello festival that strings together music, friendship, family and love.
Art for listening, understanding
Those entering the Herndon Gallery’s “Living in Divided States” exhibit will first hear the voices, female and male, rising and falling in pitch, in intensity.
Bust of Wheeling Gaunt to be unveiled at art and history event
The YS Arts Council and the YS Historical Society will host “Beyond Flour and Sugar: The Wheeling Gaunt Legacy and Yellow Springs In the Civil War Era” on Friday, Jan. 20, 6–9 p.m., at Antioch University Midwest.
2016: Yellow Springs Year in review — the arts
2016: Yellow Springs Year in review — the arts
Herndon exhibit examines “Divided States”
“Living in Divided States,” an exhibit of the work of about 50 area artists, is on display at the Herndon Gallery of the Antioch College campus.
Friends Music Camp presents holiday concert
Friends Music Camp staffers and campers present their annual holiday concert on Friday, Dec. 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theatre on the Antioch College campus.
Cello Springs Festival 2017
Cello Springs Festival is coming to the village, Jan. 4–14, with five scheduled public concerts, all free.
In harmony
WinterSong Encore played to full house at First Presbyterian last Saturday, Dec. 3.
‘Living In Divided States’ to open at Herndon
The Herndon Gallery at Antioch College will premiere its exhibition, “Living In Divided States,” on Thursday, Dec. 8, with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m.
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