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Arts Section :: Page 94

  • Medieval plays tap a new root

    A small group of local residents will present a new winter solstice play “Return to the Garden: A Ceremony for the New Time” on Saturday, Dec. 22, at 7 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the Presbyterian Church. The players gathered in front of Rockford Chapel where they have been rehearsing, including, from right, back row: Caryn Diamond, Abby Cobb, Jenny Johnson, Saul Kola, Jennifer Johnson, Anna McClure, Rob Kola; front row: Camíla Dallas-González, Arielle Johnson, Eve Diamond, Phillip Diamond, Autumn Kola, Jacob McClure and Tomé Rios. (Photo by lauren Heaton)

    “Return to the Garden: A Ceremony for the New Time” will be presented Saturday, Dec. 22, the evening of the solstice, at 7 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • Local author SJ Drum­— Glen inspires supernatural tale

    Area author S.J. Drum published four works of fiction this year, including Surprisingly Supernatural, a paranormal romance set in Yellow Springs. Drum is pictured at Dino’s Cappuccinos, where she pens most of her books. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Area author S.J. Drum re-imagines the village as a place for the paranormal in her book, Surprisingly Supernatural, published by Eternal Press in August. And the depiction is not too far off.

  • Poetry reading to celebrate Glen Helen

    A celebration of Glen Helen with poetry will take place this Friday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. at the Glen Helen Building. The free event is sponsored by the Glen and Tecumseh Land Trust.

  • Bahnsen’s photos as art, digitized

    It was a small gallery on Glen Street. But inside was a trove of artistic images produced through the lens of one of the pioneers of impressionistic photography. The artist was the late Axel Bahnsen.

  • Studio art tour helps promote town’s renown

    2012 Artists Studio Tour (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Yellow Springs Artist Studio Tour was held this year on Oct. 20 and Oct. 21 and featured 27 artists spread across eight studios in and around the village.

  • Art & Soul showcases local treasures

    A quilted hanging by Pam Geisel (detail)

    Yellow Springs holiday shopping season begins in earnest this weekend at a new art fair, Art & Soul, where villagers and visitors can find unique handcrafted gifts made by local and out-of-town artists.

  • A whimsical rebirth for trash

    Sondi Kai holds part of Brain Augmentation, a piece in her art show ‘Reincarnated,’ which opens at the Yellow Springs Arts Council gallery this weekend. (Photo by Suzanne Ehalt)

    Local artist Sondy Kai will display at the opening of her exhibit, “Reincarnated: The New Forever Life of Plastic.” Her show, which runs through Dec. 9, features an array of colorful and bizarre looking “creatures” composed of post-consumer plastic trash.

  • Reed quintet delights students

    Members of the Amsterdam-based reed quintet Calefax treated Mills Lawn students to a music workshop on Monday.

  • Council moves on public art

    Village Council members discussed the first draft of its first ever public art policy at their meeting Monday, Nov. 5. The policy, drafted by Village Manager Laura Curliss, covers the principles and procedures the Village will use to accept both permanent and temporary installations of art in Village-owned spaces.

  • Juried art fair debuts this weekend

    The Yellow Springs holiday shopping season begins in earnest this weekend at a new art fair, Art & Soul, where villagers and visitors can find unique handcrafted gifts made by local and out-of-town artists.

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