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Feature Photos Section :: Page 61

  • Got Grampa by the tail

    An unseasonably warm sunny day Tuesday brought villagers out to the streets, including Romy Farrar and her ferret, Grampa, who were relaxing in the pocket park between the Emporium and the Senior Center. Romy has had Grampa for two years, and he enjoys getting petted by friends and passersby.

    These Yellow Springs News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the Yellow Springs News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Fire station celebrates new engine

    At Tuesday's open house, Miami Township firefighters carried on the tradition of pushing the new firetruck into its bay at the station. Assistant Chief Denny Powell drove the truck.

    Miami Township Fire Department officials held an open house on Tuesday to celebration the arrival of their new engine, the station’s first in 14 years.

  • Don’t worry, it’s been fed…

    To purchase copies of this and other photographs, please contact the Yellow Springs News at 767-7373 or e-mail .

  • Purchase News photographs

    Copies of all photographs taken by Yellow Springs News staff on the Web site and in the print edition may be purchased from the Yellow Springs News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Monday–Friday.

  • Spring!

    Kids leap into the blue spring sky

    It might be the weather, it might be youth, but the combination proved irresistible last Sunday morning.

  • Tricksters skate to springtime tunes

    The YS Skate Park will complete its first phase of renovations on May 30, to be unveiled at Skate Fest on June 13, during Street Fair. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    About 100 people from the village and region showed up for music and tricking at Saturday’s Super Spectacular Extraordinarily Energized Skarstic Festival at the Yellow Springs Skate Park.

  • Kids, dogs and spring

    Isaiah Marley Search and Sophia Love Search found the small chairs at the Corner Cone to be just the right size and the veggie dogs and cones just the right choice for their supper.

  • Which came first, the bunny or the egg?

    Amani Wagner, left, and Hailey Qualls bowed their heads to the wind and plucked as many eggs from the Gaunt Park hill as their baskets could hold.

  • Careful, now…

    Roy Woods of Bellefountaine

    Roy Woods of Bellefontaine was fully geared-up and having a good time, along with local young people at the Yellow Springs skate park.

  • Here comes the sun

    Lauren Sheets danced as Scott Lee of Kettering played and sang outside Brother Bear’s.

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