From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 102
Election 2021: Precinct Breakdown
The following is a breakdown of how voters cast their votes in each precinct of Yellow Springs and Miami Township. The Greene County Board of Elections released precinct details on Nov. 17, and votes were certified by the State of Ohio on Nov. 22.
News from the Past: December 2021
35 years ago: 1986 — Developer George Oberer planned apartment complex. “Yellow Springs village government is no longer contesting a Dayton developer’s right to build an apartment complex here — but it’s likely the apartments will never be built.”
Village elders reflect on the Black experience, Pt. II
Villagers Paul Graham and Phillip Lawson spoke about their experiences growing up and living in integrated communities in Dayton and Yellow Springs.
Mark Crockett bids township farewell after 20 years
Crockett first ran for trustee in 2001, and since then has worked to maintain the township by making decisions that would help the township evolve as technology advanced and the makeup of township departments changed.
Yellow Springs Development Corporation refines focus
Coming up on its second anniversary, with most of its existence undertaken amid the pandemic, the Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, is continuing to refine its purpose and procedures.
Village hardware store changes hands
This year, Yellow Springs Hardware will change hands for only the fourth time in its 94-year history.
School district hires new treasurer, appoints new board member
In a special meeting Tuesday morning, Nov. 22, the Yellow Springs school board approved the hiring of a new district treasurer and the appointment of a new board member.
Village elders reflect on the Black experience, Pt. I
Longtime villagers Frances Smith and Geneva Brisbane reflected on their experiences with racism and segregation during the “Elders Speak” virtual event held last month. The event was sponsored by The 365 Project.
Extended Coverage | Planning Commission sends Oberer plans to Village Council
At its Tuesday, Nov. 9, regular meeting, held via Zoom, Village Planning Commission approved a conditional use application submitted by Oberer Land Developers to rezone 52.6 acres in southern Yellow Springs to accommodate a 140-unit residential neighborhood.
Neighbors split on 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project
An estimated 300 people crowded into the Expo Center at the Greene County Fairgrounds on Monday evening, Nov. 15, for a public hearing on the proposed 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project.
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