
From The Print Section :: Page 447

  • Village General fund deficit forecast

    At a special budget review before the Feb. 18 Village Council meeting, Finance Director Melissa Vanzant projected that the Village 2014 general fund budget will have a shortfall of about $500,000.

  • Police story: crime and the village

    Earlier this month two vehicles were stolen, 10 more were broken into. Last year nine local residences were burglarized. But more commonly, however, the Yellow Springs Police Department deals with complaints of barking dogs, loud music and stolen bicycles.

  • Snow Shoo!

    Village council member Gerry Simms cleared the sidewalks along West South College Street Monday afternoon to provide safe passage for local students walking to and from school. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Village council member Gerry Simms cleared the sidewalks along West South College Street Monday afternoon to provide safe passage for local students walking to and from school.

  • A lesson in black and white

    The program celebrating Black History Month was performed during the day for the K–6 student body and included a dialogue with Rosa Parks, songs by Civil Rights-era folk singer Pete Seeger, and Mills Lawn students, from left, Eliza Gilchrist, Eva Schell and Malaya Booth singing with the rest of their class. (Photos by Lauren Heaton)

    Last Friday the Mills Lawn fourth, fifth and sixth grade students performed a varied program of songs, readings, poems and a skit to celebrate the end of Black History Month.

  • Ethics group says no conflict for Wintrow

    The Ohio Board of Ethics determined last week that Council President Karen Wintrow does not have a conflict of interest regarding the Center for Business and Education, and is free to discuss and vote on CBE-related issues.

  • SIDEBAR: Focus on mental health in the community

    This spring, the Human Relations Commission, or HRC, will launch a series of programs aimed at educating villagers on mental health issues and finding better ways to help those in the community who deal with these concerns.

  • Schenck incident prompts concerns— Crisis training for police supported

    In recent years, area police officers have noticed a change in their work, as their calls more frequently involve people with mental health issues.

  • SIDEBAR: Yellow Springs Water Rate Hike

    Vilage Council members agreed on a 15 percent increase in Village water rates.

  • Yellow Springs Utility funds show deficits

    At their Feb. 3 meeting, Village Council members heard that, in the projected 2014 Village budget, most of the Village enterprise (or utility) funds — the water fund, sewer fund and solid waste funds — show deficit spending.

  • Feb. 27, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

    Feb. 27, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

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