
From The Print Section :: Page 53

  • Planning Commission | Residential zoning changes proposed

    At their most recent meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14, the members of YS Planning Commission voted to initiate the process of amending some text of the Village Zoning Code.

  • Village seeks tenants for 201 Walnut Street

    An open house last week provided nearly two dozen inquiring villagers the opportunity to survey the 88-year-old building and ask Village Manager Josué Salmerón questions about his administration’s intent to lease the structure.

  • The Briar Patch | Why I left ‘higher’ education

    “I was also exploited, through the insidious drum beat of indoctrination that many of us believe — you know, that I chose this profession not to make money, but out of some higher noble purpose.”

  • Students of the Month | February 2023

    YS Schools announced the February recipients of student and faculty awards at the Feb. 9 Board of Education meeting.

  • Longtime printer to close, YS News publication day to change

    The AIM Media Midwest production plant in Miamisburg — where the YS News has been printed for nearly 20 years — will cease operations Friday, Feb. 24.

  • Yellow Springs nonprofit Agraria announces furloughs, hiatus

    Yellow Springs nonprofit and educational farm Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice has announced a hiatus of its operations and programs effective Thursday, Feb. 16., and all employees — about 30 — have been put on a three-month furlough.

  • Building Community | Meet your mayor

    That Mayor Pam Conine sees the village as one giant classroom should come as little surprise, considering that she was an educator for over four decades.

  • School board considers additional facilities options

    At the school board’s regular meeting, held Thursday, Feb. 9, architect Mike Ruetschle presented a preliminary fact sheet briefly detailing eight potential facilities plans for both the school board and community members to consider as the next facilities listening session approaches on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

  • My Name Is Iden | How to say I love you

    My Name is Iden

    “Love is the center point from which we chart all other human emotion. We owe it to each other, and to ourselves, to recapture and appreciate anew the great gift it is to be able to give and receive love.”

  • Building Community | Sharing a lifetime of soaring

    During a recent interview with the News, village residents and co-founders of The Jael Group, or TJG, Steven and Jalyn Roe, often mentioned a spiritual concept related to “the way”: an opening, path, direction, even a process that at times means finding “a way out of no way.”

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