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Elections Section :: Page 17

  • Village tax levy, yes or no?

    About 25 villagers came out of the sun and into the Senior Center on Sunday to join a lively discussion about the Village property tax levy that will be on the ballot on May 3.

  • 2010 Yellow Springs Election Results—Democrats win the village, lose Ohio

    While Democratic Governor Ted Strickland came out on the losing end of a tight statewide race, in Yellow Springs he was king, the choice of nine out of 10 local voters. Unfortunately for Strickland, the state did not follow the lead of the village.

  • School levy passes by wide margin

    Yellow Springs voters delivered a resounding yes to village schools on Tuesday, handily passing Issue 5, the renewal levy for the Yellow Springs schools. Village-wide, about 75 percent of voters favored the levy and 25 percent voted against it. Click on the headline to read details and other election results.

  • Crockett, Hollister on ballot

    About half of all Democrats who vote in the party primary don’t vote for the Democratic state central committeeman and committeewoman seats, which are on the ballot every four years. Probably, according to Don Hollister, people avoid that race because they don’t know the candidates nor exactly what the committee does.

  • Electronic voting questioned

    In the wake of the Election-Related Equipment, Standards & Testing (EVEREST) study of Ohio’s electronic voting systems commissioned by Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, the local group Greene County Citizens for Safe and Secure Elections…

  • Levy, Neuhardt, Sutton, Obama win

    On Election Day Yellow Springs voters came through for local schools, local candidates and Senator Barack Obama. The renewal permanent improvement levy for the Yellow Springs school district sailed to victory, unlike school levies in most Greene County towns that went down in defeat.

  • Milkshake for McCain at Young’s

    Presidential hopeful John McCain stopped in at Young’s Jersey Dairy just after noon on Wednesday, Feb. 20, long enough to order an eggnog bull shake and make a 15-minute stump speech on the highlights of his Ohio campaign.

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