Government Section :: Page 131
Village shake-up considered
At the Aug. 15 Village Council meeting, several Council members expressed reluctant support for a proposal from Village Manager Mark Cundiff to reorganize the Village staff to add an assistant manager position.
Village worker raise recommended
t the Aug. 1 regular Village Council meeting, Village Manager Mark Cundiff recommended that Village staff receive a 2 percent annual raise for all regular full and part-time employees, retroactive to July 3.
Rumpke gets nod as trash collector
Yellow Springs Village Council decided at its July 18 meeting that if “it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” regarding the hiring of a contractor for solid waste pickup.
Struewing vs. Village goes to trial
For two days last week attorneys for Ken Struewing and the Village of Yellow Springs argued their cases over property and utility rights before a Greene County magistrate.
Tree-trimming efforts begin soon
At their July 5 meeting, members of Village Council heard a report from Electric Crew Head Kelley Fox on upcoming tree-trimming efforts in the village
Tree trimming begins soon
Due to several recent power outages linked to downed limbs, tree-trimming around electrical lines will begin soon in the south end of town, with a focus on softwoods linked to the outages such as white pine and silver maple.
Village Council— Tree-trimming moves ahead
Spurred by several recent power outages, the Village is moving ahead quickly with more aggressive tree-trimming in the south end of town, according to Superintendent of Water and Electric Kelley Fox this week. “With the recent storms, the trees have wreaked havoc,” Fox said. “The bottom line is that we have to trim the trees […]
Vectren gas line replacement locations
Vectren gas line replacement locations.
Council votes 3–2 on gas
On Monday, June 20, Village Council in a close vote approved a contract with American Municipal Power, or AMP, to participate in a natural gas plant at Fremont, Ohio
Vectren to replace gas lines
Vectren replaces aging natural gas lines around the village this month.
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