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Government Section :: Page 129

  • Askeland, Simms, Walkey elected to Council

    Yellow Springs voters elected Lori Askeland, Gerald Simms and Rick Walkey to seats on Village Council and went against the grain in rejecting Ohio Issue 3, a healthcare freedom amendment which passed.

  • Election 2011 Voter’s Information

    Yellow Springs 2011 Precinct Map

    This information is excerpted from the Yellow Springs News 2011 Voters’ Guide, which came with the Oct. 27 print edition. Limited copies are available for free at the News office at 253 1/2 Xenia.

  • Issue 2 to stem workers rights

    Voting yes for Issue 2 will ratify SB 5 and stem the bargaining power of public employees; voting no will send SB 5 to the scrap heap.

  • Voters to decide on healthcare

    Health insurance reform in Ohio and the quality of local healthcare services will be affected by the outcome of two election issues on the Nov. 8 ballot.

  • Issue 16 could lower rates

    Miami Township residents could save around $100 per year on electricity if a Greene County ballot issue passes in November, according to a consultant with the County Commissioners’ Association of Ohio.

  • Council approves re-organization

    At their Oct. 3 meeting, Village Council unanimously gave final approval to a re-organization of the Village government administrative structure proposed by Village Manager Mark Cundiff two months ago.

  • Barr project concept OKd

    At their Oct. 3 meeting, Village Council members voted unanimously to approve the first stage of the Home, Inc./Buckeye Community Hope Foundation proposal for affordable senior housing on the Barr property downtown.

  • Planners pursue a parks plan

    Many discussions over the past several years have led Village Council to designate a revision of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan as a 2011 goal.

  • Council OKs Village staff reorganization

    Village Council gave initial approval to a re-organization of the Village administrative structure at its Sept. 19 meeting with a 4–1 vote in favor of a proposal from Village Manager Mark Cundiff.

  • YS home appraisals remain steady

    Property values in Yellow Springs stayed steady despite a more than five percent county-wide drop over the last two years, according to a recent Greene County appraisal.

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