Government Section :: Page 142
Stutzman’s land for lease
The 20-acre plot of Village-owned land on U.S. 68 North that formerly housed Stutzman’s Garden and Landscaping Center will be available for rent within a few months, according to Village Council at its June 7 meeting.
Visioning report to Council tonight
Results from the local visioning effort will be presented on June 2 at a special joint meeting between Village Council and the Township Trustees.
Levy timeline considered
At their May 17 meeting, Village Council members discussed a possible timetable for a renewal or replacement of the Village five-year property tax levy, which will stop generating revenues of $876,000 per year at the end of 2010.
Community Votes on Visioning Actions
More than 60 community members participated in the third and final public phase of Yellow Springs/Miami Township Visioning process, “Shape Our Future.” At the open house, each participant voted for five actions, out of 78 total, they believe should have the highest priority.
Visioning open house soon
The third stage of the visioning process will take place next Wednesday, May 19, Thursday, May 20, and Friday, May 21.
Village moves toward use of renewables for energy
The Village of Yellow Springs is having some successs finding alternative energy sources to provide electricity to village residents and businesses, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff in a discussion with Council at its May 3 meeting.
Economic sustainability—A matchmaker for business
Sarah Wildman likes small towns. She grew up in one in Illinois, and she left big city life to spend the past 20 years raising a family in another one just north of Yellow Springs.
Fluoridation forum coming
At Village Council’s May 3 meeting, Council members agreed to this summer sponsor a public forum addressing whether to continue fluoridating Village water, in an attempt to present both sides of the issue and examine recent research. “Tonight we’re discussing the next steps rather than the content,” said Council President Judith Hempfling…
School levy passes by wide margin
Yellow Springs voters delivered a resounding yes to village schools on Tuesday, handily passing Issue 5, the renewal levy for the Yellow Springs schools. Village-wide, about 75 percent of voters favored the levy and 25 percent voted against it. Click on the headline to read details and other election results.
Crockett, Hollister on ballot
About half of all Democrats who vote in the party primary don’t vote for the Democratic state central committeeman and committeewoman seats, which are on the ballot every four years. Probably, according to Don Hollister, people avoid that race because they don’t know the candidates nor exactly what the committee does.
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