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Government Section :: Page 51

  • Still no answers in Clark case

    Authorities investigating the homicide of villager Leonid “Lonya” Clark remain close-lipped about the cause and circumstances around his death earlier this year, leaving his loved ones growing increasingly distressed at the lack of resolution in the case.

  • Busy first month for new village manager Salmeron

    New Village Manager Josue Salmeron, pictured here in his office, has had a busy first month on the job. “You realize you have so may things going on, so many things to address,” he said. “It takes your breath away.” (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    As new Village Manager Salmeron concluded his first month on the job, he sat down with this Yellow Springs News reporter to talk about his activities and priorities for the village. 

  • Council explores incentives for EnviroFlight

    The Village of Yellow Springs is working to keep local insect-based feed company EnviroFlight in the village.

  • The issues with large-scale solar

    Cooperative Solar Farm One is Lendlease’s 60-acre solar energy facility in Clark County, Ky. The solar energy facility features 32,300 solar panels capable of producing up to 8.5 MW of electricity. LendLease has a plan for a solar array in the rural area southeast of Yellow Springs that would be about 20 times as large. (Photo via

    An Australian company, Lendlease, has acquired close to 1,000 acres of long-term leases there as part of its Kingswood Solar Farm, a utility-scale solar array that could cover 1,200 acres and produce 175 megawatts of green electricity.

  • Village Council — Incentives sought to keep EnviroFlight here

    The Village of Yellow Springs is working to keep local insect-based feed company EnviroFlight in the village.

  • Council passes stricter AirBnB regulations

    Those wanting to start a new local AirBnB will now have to appear before Planning Commission, Village Council decided at its regular meeting on Monday, July 15.

  • Women’s Park to add tiles

    Some of the Women's Park gardeners and founders recently met at the park, on the Little Miami Bike Trail. The park will be honored with the YS Arts and Culture Commission's VIDA on Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. The public is invited.

    The Women’s Park, located on Corry Street along the bike path, will add a new pod made of tiles honoring women.

  • Village Council—Local electricity mega-green

    Yellow Springs has the greenest power supply of the 139 municipal members of its electric supplier. It may even be the greenest on the region’s electric grid.

  • Village Council — Solar producers challenge cap

    Should the Village raise its cap on the amount of solar energy it buys from local residences? Village Council broached that question at its July 1 regular meeting.

  • Fire, EMS calls on the rise

    Casey Brewer, who first came to Miami Township Fire-Rescue in 2013 as a member of the Explorer Post for teens, took this photo at a recent training event and shared it on the MTFR Facebook page. Brewer, 19, recently received EMT certification, Chief Colin Altman reported at the Miami Township Trustees’ most recent meeting Monday, July 1. (Submitted photo by Casey Brewer)

    Crew members of Miami Township Fire-Rescue are responding to more emergency calls than ever before, according to statistics recently released by the department.

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