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Government Section :: Page 56

  • Village Council—YSPD awarded new state certification

    In addition to the awarding of several commendations at Council’s March 18 regular meeting, several developments related to local policing were announced.

  • County commissioners—Jail, voting machines discussed

    Plans for a new jail, the purchase of new voting machines and public access to commissioner meetings were among the topics raised by local citizens at last Tuesday’s Greene County Board of Commissioners “town hall” meeting in Yellow Springs. 

  • Village manager finalists announced

    Four finalists are in the running to be the next Village manager. Read more about them.

  • Village Council—Council bans clapping at meetings

    No clapping, booing or displaying of signs during public comments will be allowed at Village Council meetings, according to an update to meeting rules passed this week.

  • New delay for new firehouse

    A recent rendering of the Miami Township Fire-Rescue station by project architects MSA Architects of Cincinnati shows what the new fire station along Xenia Avenue may look like. The project has been delayed because an initial bid to construct it was too high. (Rendering courtesy of MSA Architects)

    With a third round of construction bids again coming in too high, Miami Township Trustees will be returning to the drawing board for another attempt at reducing the projected costs of building a new firehouse on the south side of town.

  • YSPD commendations

    From left: Officer Paul Raffoul and Dispatcher Ruth Peterson, center, received Council commendations for their actions on the Dec. 13, 2018 fatal shooting in the village Right: Sgt. Naomi Watson was honored at the Council meeting by YSPD Chief Brian Carlson with a new plaque congratulating her on receiving a 2018 David P. Eckert Outstanding Law Enforcement Service Award. (Submitted photos)

    At Council’s March 18 meeting, three employees of the Yellow Springs Police Department received commendations and congratulations on their work.

  • Changes set for basketball courts

    The basketball courts behind the John Bryan Center are being converted to parking, according to a new plan from the Village. But those who played there won’t have to dribble far to find a new hoop.

  • No new discipline, MOU extended in Meister Case

    Yellow Springs Police Officer David Meister will not face additional discipline after a ten-week investigation into his professional behavior on the night of a fatal shooting in the village in December, according to the Village last week.

  • John Bryan Youth Center closed due to widespread illness

    John Bryan Youth Center closed due to widespread illness. It will reopen on Monday, March 11 for regular hours.

  • Decision pending — Meister won’t be fired

    Last week, Village Manager Patti Bates confirmed that Yellow Springs Police Officer Dave Meister won’t be fired at the conclusion of the recent internal investigation into his professional behavior.

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