Government Section :: Page 84
Yellow Springs candidates strive for Ohio House, Senate seats
Two Yellow Springs residents are throwing themselves into the state political fray this year.
Closures to protect the Glen trails
The sunny, mild weather on a recent weekend offered just the sort of break from winter that draws cabin-fevered walkers to the wood. So why, over a span of lovely days, did Glen Helen close?
Village Council— Group urges a village-wide fiber network
A municipal fiber optic network would bring new jobs and business to the village, Village Council members were recently advised.
Environmental Commission report to Council— Focus is on ‘organic land management’ and climate change
Educating villagers on alternatives to pesticides is one of the current projects of the Environmental Commission.
Vote on property tax levy renewal slated
Village voters will see a renewal of the Village property tax levy on the March 15 primary ballot.
Yellow Springs water plant cost goes up
The estimated cost of the new Village water plant increased during recent negotiations with the construction firm Council is hiring to build the plant.
MTFR to recognize new and retiring volunteers
Miami Township Fire-Rescue, or MTFR, invites the public to its staff recognition, promotion and swearing in ceremony on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m.
Oh, deer. Guess what’s for dinner?
On Jan. 8, at 2:30 a.m., a motorist struck and killed a deer on Xenia Avenue. The officer who responded attended not only to the frazzled driver but also to the unfortunate deer, which was dead upon impact. The officer moved it from the shoulder to the berm, but what to do with the carcass?
Village Council 2016 goals—Sidewalks, energy, housing
At their Feb. 1 meeting, Village Council members continued a Council discussion of goals for 2016.
BCI’s fact finding in misconduct charges is finished
The fact-finding investigation by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, or BCI, into alleged misconduct by a longtime Yellow Springs police officer has ended and the results turned over to a prosecutor.
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