Government Section :: Page 82
A closer look at village police officer actions
At Council’s June 6 meeting, several villagers expressed concern over two recent instances of what they perceived as aggressive behavior by a local police officer.
Village Council— Morris Bean seeks sewer tie-in
At Village Council’s June 6 meeting, Council members heard a request from Morris Bean leaders to permit that company to connect to the Village sewer system.
Next steps for fast, local Internet in village
A municipal fiber optic network is feasible in Yellow Springs, according to members of Springs-Net, a citizen group that has been studying the issue for the past 18 months.
Village Council—Concerns about police aired
Several villagers attended the June 6 Village Council meeting to express concerns about recent incidents in which they believed local police acted too aggressively.
Nipper to return to YSPD — Prosecutor drops charges
A special prosecutorstated he has concluded his review of charges against a Yellow Springs police officer, and found a lack of evidence to move forward.
New streetlights go in
New railroad-style streetlamps were installed Wednesday on the west side of Xenia Avenue downtown.
Clean-up week is almost here!
The Village’s annual Spring Clean-up Week begins on Monday, May 9, and runs through Friday, the 13th.
Rumpke waste processing facility — Just don’t call it a garbage dump
Trash is an inevitable part of life. A big part of life, to the tune of almost five pounds per person per day, and those five pounds of garbage have to go somewhere.
Lack of evidence found in case against Nipper; case closed, Nipper free to rejoin police department
The special prosecutor reviewing the accusations against longtime Yellow Springs Police Officer Dennis Nipper has found a lack of evidence and determined that the case is closed.
Street work continues around the village
Village streets are receiving their annual repaving in the coming weeks.
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