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Government Section :: Page 81

  • Village utility changes beget odd bills

    The trepidation accompanying monthly bills has been on the increase over the past electric and water billing cycles, as a number of Yellow Springs residents have received significantly higher than usual utility bills.

  • Cut electric rates with peak shaving

    Periodically throughout the summer, Village government encourages Yellow Springers to assist with “peak shaving.” The practice is generally understood as a way to reduce electricity usage and save money, but what does it actually mean?

  • Through the lens of race: the 911 call

    A video still showing John Crawford III, at the far end of the aisle, and shopper Angela Williams and her two children in the foreground. The still is from a Walmart surveillance video from the night of Aug. 5, 2014. (From Walmart security cameras, Youtube)

    Third article in this series: From Beavercreek to Baton Rouge, high-profile police shootings of unarmed African-American men reveal dramatic disparities in how white and black citizens are perceived and treated by police.

  • CBE land to return to Village

    The 35-acre parcel of land at the center of the controversial Center for Business and Education, or CBE, will soon be returned to the Village, according to a representative from Community Resources.

  • Swim lessons begin soon at Gaunt Park

    Registration is now open for swim lessons at the Gaunt Park Pool. Swim lessons will be held Monday–Thursday, Aug. 1–11.

  • Yellow Springs police officer is dismissed

    Officer John Whittemore was dismissed from the YS Police Department Tuesday, ­July 5. (News archive photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    A newly hired police officer who sparked controversy in two recent village incidents by using what some saw as excessive force has been terminated from the police force.

  • Antioch College’s cohousing gets green light

    Antioch College Village is another step closer to reality. The college’s board of trustees voted last month to launch a 32-unit cohousing pilot project, the first phase of a larger vision for developing environmentally sustainable, multigenerational housing on campus.

  • Village Council— Morris Bean, police ‘overreach‘ are topics

    At their July 5 meeting, Council members heard from villagers concerned about the environmental practices of the local company Morris Bean, and also about the “overreach” of some local police officers.

  • Village Council— Morris Bean sewer request raises concerns

    At Village Council’s June 20 meeting, a former Village manager took Council to task for not insisting that Morris Bean be annexed into the Village in exchange for hooking up the company to the Village sewer system. If annexed, the company would pay Village income taxes and thus enhance Village revenues.

  • Yellow Springs police officer terminated

    Officer John K. Whittemore was terminated from employement at the Yellow Springs Police Department on July 5.

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