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Government Section :: Page 83

  • New police officer joins YSPD

    The Yellow Springs Police Department recently welcomed Officer John Whittemore, a 16-year veteran and lifelong area resident, to the force. Sworn in last month, he replaces Officer Stephanie Spurlock. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman )

    Officer John Whittemore arrived at the YSPD from West Carrollton a little over three weeks ago.

  • Spokespersons

    “Opening Day for Trails” drew crowds of cyclists and walkers last Saturday, the bluest of a blue string of spring days. Brian Housh, right, Midwest policy manager for Rails-to-Trails, staffed the information table in front of the Yellow Springs train station, where cyclists stopped for trail brochures, maps, faux “tattoos,” t-shirts and more. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    “Opening Day for Trails” drew crowds of cyclists and walkers last Saturday, April 16.

  • Villager arrested on multiple felonies

    Yellow Springs resident Talis Gage, 32, was arrested by local police on Friday, April 8, at 8 p.m. on six felony counts

  • Village Council— Electric rate hike to start July 1

    Starting July 1, villagers are likely to see an increase in their electric bills, following Village Council’s unanimous vote at its April 4 meeting to amend the Village electric rate structure.

  • Sutton Farm land— Village moves closer to sale

    At their March 21 meeting Village Council moved a step closer to selling 76 acres of Village-owned land to Glen Helen.

  • Trump rallies faithful in Dayton

    Supporters of Donald Trump gathered in Vandalia on Saturday to cheer on his bid for presidency. Approximately 10,000 people attended the rally, chanting along with Trump’s promise to build a border wall with Mexico and “bomb the hell out of ISIS.” (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Roughly 10,000 tickets were given away for a Donald Trump rally in Vandalia over the weekend, drawing supporters from Columbus and all over southwestern Ohio.

  • Yellow Springs police officer Naomi Penrod charges discrimination

    Yellow Springs Police Sergeant Naomi Penrod has filed a charge of employment discrimination against the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Council questions water plant hike

    Council members considered that question at their March 7 meeting whether the village could recoup some of the money it paid for initial designs of the new water plant, given that cost turned out to be grossly inaccurate.

  • HRC focus on women’s safety

    If a woman’s instinct says she’s unsafe in a situation, she should trust that feeling, according to two public safety experts at last Thursday’s Human Relations Commission, or HRC, meeting.

  • Village levy wins big; Bernie, Kasich take YS

    Village voters overwhelmingly approved the Village property tax levy renewal on March 15. Local Democratic voters also favored Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton and Republicans chose John Kasich over the Donald.

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