Police Section :: Page 16
Yellow Springs police officer is dismissed
A newly hired police officer who sparked controversy in two recent village incidents by using what some saw as excessive force has been terminated from the police force.
Yellow Springs police officer terminated
Officer John K. Whittemore was terminated from employement at the Yellow Springs Police Department on July 5.
A closer look at village police officer actions
At Council’s June 6 meeting, several villagers expressed concern over two recent instances of what they perceived as aggressive behavior by a local police officer.
Village Council—Concerns about police aired
Several villagers attended the June 6 Village Council meeting to express concerns about recent incidents in which they believed local police acted too aggressively.
Nipper to return to YSPD — Prosecutor drops charges
A special prosecutorstated he has concluded his review of charges against a Yellow Springs police officer, and found a lack of evidence to move forward.
Lack of evidence found in case against Nipper; case closed, Nipper free to rejoin police department
The special prosecutor reviewing the accusations against longtime Yellow Springs Police Officer Dennis Nipper has found a lack of evidence and determined that the case is closed.
New police officer joins YSPD
Officer John Whittemore arrived at the YSPD from West Carrollton a little over three weeks ago.
Villager arrested on multiple felonies
Yellow Springs resident Talis Gage, 32, was arrested by local police on Friday, April 8, at 8 p.m. on six felony counts
Yellow Springs police officer Naomi Penrod charges discrimination
Yellow Springs Police Sergeant Naomi Penrod has filed a charge of employment discrimination against the Village of Yellow Springs.
Oh, deer. Guess what’s for dinner?
On Jan. 8, at 2:30 a.m., a motorist struck and killed a deer on Xenia Avenue. The officer who responded attended not only to the frazzled driver but also to the unfortunate deer, which was dead upon impact. The officer moved it from the shoulder to the berm, but what to do with the carcass?
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