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Village Council Section :: Page 21

  • Village Council — Apartment rezoning approved

    After months of public discussion, Council approved the rezoning of a 1.8-acre parcel between East Herman and Marshall streets to accommodate a 54-unit affordable senior apartment building.

  • Village Council — Senior apartments vetted

    Questions about the impact of a proposed apartment building on Village infrastructure, area traffic and local seniors were addressed at Village Council’s final meeting of the year on Dec. 17.

  • Council green lights senior apartments

    Plans to build a 54-unit affordable senior apartment complex in the village will move forward after Council approved the project at its Dec. 17 meeting.

  • Village Council— A stronger sanctuary stance

    Council strengthened its public statement as a “Welcoming Community” with the passing of a new resolution at its regular meeting on Dec. 3.

  • Sanford selected for Council

    Kineta Sanford has been appointed to fill the vacant seat on Village Council. Council approved the 26-year-old villager in a 5-0 vote at its Nov. 19 meeting. Sanford fills the seat vacated by Judith Hempfling, who announced her resignation in September citing personal reasons. Sanford will serve through 2019, when Hempfling’s term was set to expire.

  • Village Council — Surveillance policy passed

    Any new surveillance technology the Yellow Springs Police Department or other municipal agency wants to use must first be approved by Council at a public hearing.

  • Village Council — More cases for Mayor’s Court

    After several years of community discussion, a plan to hear more cases in the local Mayor’s Court was approved by Council at its October 2 meeting.

  • Village Council — Home, Inc. requests funds

    Local affordable housing developer Home, Inc. can help the Village meet its housing goals, according to a funding pitch made by Home, Inc.’s board and staff at Village Council’s Sept. 17 meeting. 

  • Council hears new proposal for Mayor’s Court cases

    A new plan to bring more cases before the Yellow Springs Mayor’s Court was discussed at Council’s Sept. 4 meeting.

  • Village Council — Vernay cleanup plan probed

    Groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents and volatile organic compounds at levels above EPA drinking water standards from the former Vernay rubber parts manufacturing facility on Dayton Street has spread eastward across Wright Street and Suncrest Drive. Soil contamination at the site is concentrated in an area near the two former plants, where chlorinated solvents used to degrease metal parts were disposed, and at the front of a property, where a common pesticide was used. Contamination is also present in the the storm sewers (and the backfill surrounding them), which continue to transport pollutants off the property. (Map was generated using data and maps from cleanup oversight firm EHS Technology Group of Dayton)

    A member of the Yellow Springs Environmental Commission urged Village Council at its Aug. 20 meeting to weigh in on a plan to clean up a highly contaminated industrial site in the village.

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