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Higher Education Section :: Page 37

  • College presidential family finds home in Yellow Springs

    New Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt moved to Yellow Springs this month with his family to begin a new chapter in higher education.

  • Antioch’s ‘white knight’ moves

    Departing Antioch College Interim President Matthew Derr was humbled by an outpouring of support from staff and supporters at a reception held in his honor last Thursday.

    Departing Antioch College Interim President Matthew Derr never tired or wavered in his successful three-year effort to save his alma mater. Now Derr makes way for incoming president Mark Roosevelt, who starts on Jan. 1.

  • A farewell to Matthew Derr

    A crowd of Antioch College staff and supporters applaud Matthew Derr for his three years of service to the college. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At a reception for departing Antioch College interim president Matthew Derr last week, college staff praised him for his patience, unswerving leadership and unflagging optimism.

  • Antioch College begins search process—Faculty issue is complex

    Taking significant steps toward welcoming its first class of new students next fall, the revived Antioch College finds itself facing perhaps its most uncomfortable challenge since gaining independence from Antioch University: deciding who should teach those new students.

  • AUM to train caregivers

    A patient in the American health care system has many needs, only some of which can be met by a doctor. In fact, before even seeing a physician, some patients must make a dozen decisions regarding health care options, providers and facilities, insurance, transportation and home front support…

  • Antioch leaders propose a community-friendly gym

    Working together, the Yellow Springs community and Antioch College can create a state-of-the-art wellness center at the college’s Curl Gymnasium, college leaders told about 50 people at a meeting last Tuesday, Oct. 26, on the Antioch College campus.

  • College leaders seek community collaboration in renovated gym

    Antioch College's Curl Gymnasium is slated for a possible extensive $3.5 million renovation, which would serve the college as well as the community. (Submitted photo)hoto

    Antioch College leaders last week introduced their vision of a renovated wellness center to benefit both the college and the community.

  • Derr recognized for efforts in Antioch’s re-opening

    Antioch Interim President Matthew Derr is the 2010 recipient of the CASE V Executive Leadership Award.

  • Mark Roosevelt named new president of Antioch College

    Mark Roosevelt, great-grandson of Teddy, former Massachusetts politician and current superintendent of the Pittsburgh schools, will be the new leader of the revived Antioch College. “I am honored to become the next president of Antioch College and inspired by its history…

  • Antioch board chooses Roosevelt as new president

    Recently named Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt answered questions last Wednesday, Oct. 13, at a public forum on campus. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    On Sunday, Oct. 17, the Antioch College Board of Trustees voted unanimously to offer the position of president of the revived college to Mark Roosevelt, who is currently the superintendent of the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

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