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Video Section :: Page 4

  • BLOG-And Many More!

    Last Saturday, local artist and permaculture activist Phyllis Logan celebrated her 80th birthday with family, friends, and neighbors at the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center. I’m here to tell you…that woman knows how to throw a party.

  • VIDEO — New climber at Mills Lawn School

    The beloved wooden Big Toy was partially destroyed by a falling silver maple during a storm last July. In its place last week arose a mighty, multi-piece structure.

  • VIDEO—Community voices disappointment in school board

    This post contains a video montage of villagers speaking at last week’s special school board meeting.

  • VIDEO—Village of Yellow Springs hosts press conference on recent police shootout

    Yellow Springs shootout police joint press conference, held Wednesday, July 31 at 3:30 p.m.

    Four Greene County law enforcement bureaus held a joint press conference this afternoon in the Village offices at Bryan Center.

  • 2013 Mills Lawn School Sixth Grade Clap-out

    For the younger residents of the school, it’s just the end of another grade. For the oldest, it’s the end of a world they’ve known since kindergarten.

  • Raptor Center celebrates Earth Day with hawk release

    The Glen Helen Raptor Center held an Earth Day celebration on Sunday, April 21, introducing eight species of raptors to assembled bird-lovers, and releasing a rehabilitated Cooper’s hawk into the wild.

  • YS Community Flea

    The first YS Community Flea, organized by Judith Wolert-Maldonado and Vanessa Hale, was held Saturday, March 23 at the First Presbyterian Church. After a little shopping, the News managed to get some (shaky) video of the action, and stopped for a chat.

  • VIDEO — YS Zombie Walk

    The 10th annual YS Zombie Walk will return Sept. 22.

    Hundreds of zombies swarmed Yellow Springs’ streets on Saturday as part of the annual Zombie Walk, a fundraiser for Home, Inc. and the Food Pantry.

  • VIDEO: Village Fam Summer Jam

    A faithful crowd soaked up the tunes at the first Summer Jam, a two-day concert at the Antioch Amphitheatre organized by Yellow Springs hip hop group Village Fam. See photos and a video of highlights.

  • Mills Lawn School traditional sixth-grade clap-out

    The 2012 annual sixth-grade clap-out happened at the end of the day, June 1.

    The tradition of “clapping out” graduating sixth-graders involves them walking a friendly gauntlet through the school halls past clapping, hooting and cheering kids, on their way back to their MLS classrooms for the last time.

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